U4L7D2PK1 Uncle Jed’s Barbershop Unit 4, Lesson 7, Day 2
U4L7D2PK2 Essential Questions for Day 1 Unit: What role does money play in our lives? Story: How would you feel if you saved a lot of money for something you wanted and then had to spend it on something else? or someone else?
U4L7D2PK3 equipment tools and supplies used for a given purpose noun
U4L7D2PK4 sharecroppers people who farm someone else’s land and are paid with a share of the crops noun
U4L7D2PK5 exchange trade one thing for another verb
U4L7D2PK6 examine look in detail verb
U4L7D2PK7 delayed caused to wait verb
U4L7D2PK8 failing losing all of its money verb
U4L7D2PK9 Genre – Historical Fiction The setting occurs sometime in the past. The plot reflects events or problems of the period. The details about clothing, tools, and food are authentic to the period. Often, but not always, the story is based on actual historical events and people of the period.
U4L7D2PK10 Comprehension Skill Cause and Effect We identify cause and effect to help us understand what we read. Sometimes there are causal indicators that help us find cause and effect. These causal indicators are: since because so therefore as a result of in order to
U4L7D2PK11 Comprehension Skill Cause and Effect After we identify causes and effects we want to use this information to make inferences and draw conclusions. We will do the first couple together and then you will work with your reading partner to complete the graphic organizer and record your inferences and conclusions.
U4L7D2PK12 Essential Question How can identifying causes and effects help us understand the story better?