Unit #1 Vocabulary Ancient Greece/Rome
Quick Write #3 (2 short paragraphs) O What does government mean to you? What is your role as an individual in regards to a government? O Hints: Think of… O Voting O Taxes O Leadership O Laws
Vocabulary O 1. Government: A system for controlling society O 2. Monarchy: A single ruler i.e. King or Queen O 3. Aristocracy: Govt ruled by small group of nobility, the smart and qualified
O 4. Oligarchy: Govt ruled by “the few” more than the nobility, but small group of powerful people O 5. Democracy: “Rule of the People” O Demos=people Kratos=power
O 6. Direct Democracy: Citizens rule directly without representation O 7. Republic: A form of Democracy where citizens have the power to elect leaders who make governmental decisions.
O 8. Judaism: Religion of the Hebrews O 9. Ten Commandments: From the Bible, code/laws to live by O 10. Christianity: Religion founded by Jesus
O 11. Islam: Based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad O 12. Roman Catholic Church: Developed from Roman Christianity O 13. Renaissance: Re-birth of music, art, culture O 14. Reformation: Religious reform movement to change the Catholic church
Part II O 15. Common Law: Reflects customs and traditions established over time O 16. Magna Carta: Written demands given to the King of England asking for individual rights O 17. Due Process of Law: The right to have the law work in known, orderly ways.
O 18. Parliament: England’s national legislature. O 19.Divine Right: The belief that monarchs were given the right to rule from God. O 20. Glorious Revolution: Turning point for British Govt. Limiting the power of the monarch
O 21. Constitutional Monarchy: Powers of the monarch are limited and shared per the constitution and laws of the country O 22. Bill of Rights: Formal summary of the rights and liberties believed essential to the people O 23. Enlightenment: Movement in the 17 th /18 th centuries. Change in thinking.
O 24. Social Contract: an agreement among members of a society. O 25. Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, and Property O 26. Separation of Powers: Dividing government into 3 branches-1. Legislature 2. Executive 3. Judicial
O 27.Representative Government: Citizens elect government representatives to make laws and act on their behalf O 28. Federal System: Powers of govt are divided between central and local govts. O 29. United Nations: International Organization for world peace and betterment of mankind.