Protein Synthesis Review By
What is the name of this structure? Nucleotides What three things make up a nucleotide? - sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base
This is the structural component of what structure? DNA
What are the four nitrogenous bases that make up DNA? 1.Adenine 2.Thymine 3.Guanine 4.Cytosine
Which 2 bases are Purines and which are Pyrimidines? Purine “Pure AG” Adenine and Guanine Two rings Pyrimidines Cytosine and Thymine Single ring
How do the Nitrogen Bases Pair up? Base pairing Rules DNA Adenine -- ? Guanine -- ? RNA Adenine -- ? Guanine -- ? Thymine Cytosine Uracil Cytosine
What makes up the backbone of DNA? Phosphate and Sugar (deoxyribose)
What is unique about DNA’s shape? Double helix Discovered by Watson and Crick
Where is DNA Found in Eukaryotic cells? Nucleus
If one strand of DNA has the base sequence of AGGTTCGAC, what will the base sequence of the complimentary strand have? AGGTTCGAC T C C CAA G T G
Three types of RNA and function mRNA – messenger (codons) “blue print of genetic code”
tRNA – transfer(anticodons) Three types of RNA and function
rRNA -- ribosomal
Label this type of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Label this type of RNA tRNA – transfer
Label this type of RNA rRNA -- ribosomal
List the Similarities between… DNA & RNA Made of nucleotides Have four bases Carry genetic material Made of nucleotides Have four bases Carry genetic material DNARNA
Differences between… DNA & RNA 1. Deoxyribose Sugar 2. 2 strands 3. Thymine 4. Remains in nucleus 1.Ribose Sugar 2.1 strand 3.Uracil 4.Can leave nucelus
How many codons are needed to specify 3 amino acids? 3 How many bases are needed to specify 3 amino acids? 3x3 = 9
DNA Contains What Sugar? Deoxyribose
RNA Contains What Sugar? Ribose
What is the process called when DNA is copied? Replication
What is the process called when DNA is copied? Replication What is important about the strands? They are complimentary
What does the figure below show? Amino Acids
What amino acids are in GUAUUCCGG? Valine Phenyl-alanine Arginine
If given the mRNA code GUAUUCCGG, what are the anti- codons? GUAUUCCGG G A C U AA GCC
Why is it possible that many codons can code for one amino acid? There are 64 combinations and 20 amino acids
What is a gene? Set of instructions for making a protein.
What is the process below called? Translation Where does it take place? Ribosome
What are the different point mutations? Substitutions
Why do some mutations cause greater changes in proteins than others? Some amino acids that have more than one codon coding for them
Transcription DNA is transcribed into mRNA Takes place in the nucleus Only a single strand
What are the steps by which proteins are coded and synthesized? DNARNAProtein
An ______________ is a unit made up of three nucleotides that correspond to the three bases of the codon on the mRNA. anticodon
The pair of nitrogenous bases, consisting of a purine linked by hydrogen bonds to a pyrimidine, that connects the complementary strands of DNA Base Pairing
A relaxed form of DNA in the nucleus of a cell. Chromatin
Three-base code in DNA or RNA Codon
___________________is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. DNA
___________________is an enzyme that catalyzes synthesis of new DNA molecules. DNA Polymerase
___________________is a genetic mutation caused by (insertions or deletions) of a number of nucleotides in a DNA sequence that is not divisible by three. Frameshift Mutation
They are the chief protein components of chromatin, acting as spools around which DNA winds, and play a role in gene regulation. Histone
It is a type of RNA that carries genetic information from DNA in the nucleus to direct protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. Messenger RNA
Permanent change in a cells DNA. Mutation
Cell division in which the sister chromatids do not separate correctly resulting in abnormal amounts of chromosomes. Nondisjunction
A Mutation in DNA or RNA molecule involving a change of only one nucleotide base. Point Mutation
Is the gene segment that serves as the initiation site where RNA polymerase binds to and initiates the transcription of certain genes. Promoter
A type of RNA that associates with proteins to form ribosomes. Ribosomal RNA
The process of duplicating or producing an exact copy of a polynucleotide strand such as DNA.polynucleotideDNA Replication
The process of duplicating or producing an exact copy of a polynucleotide strand such as DNA.polynucleotideDNA RNA
Enzyme that regulates RNA Synthesis RNA Polymerase
Process in which mRNA is synthesized from the template DNA strand. Transcription
Type of RNA that transports amino acids to the ribosome. Transfer RNA
Process in which mRNA attaches to the ribosome and a protein in assembled. Translation
A chromosomal segment is moved from one position to another, either within the same chromosome or to anotherchromosome.chromosome Translocation