Agenda International Year of Light Resources EM Spectrum Review NASA Astrophysics Observatories, techniques, images Visible Spectra, IR demo, UV beads Resources PPT and Resource Word doc esentations.html
Visible Light and Beyond “White light” is made up of a rainbow of colors, each with a different wavelength.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Our eyes see only part of the electromagnetic spectrum… Temperature -271 ° C -172° C 5,000 ° C 10 Million ° C 10 Billion ° C of bodies emitting -457 ° F -280 ° F 9,032 ° F 18 Million ° F 18 Billion ° F the wavelength ß
Each part of the spectrum impacts our daily lives… “Invisible” Light in Society Microwave ovens Communications Remote controls X-rays UV Sunscreen
NASA SMD Astrophysics: Discover the origin, structure, evolution, and destiny of the universe, and search for Earth-like planets
We collect light from distant objects, and bring together researchers from many disciplines. The Tools of Our Search
Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)
Representative Color
“Invisible” Light in Astronomy Each part of the spectrum provides a piece of the puzzle in understanding our universe.
The Pinwheel Galaxy
Irregulars Huge collections of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity… Spirals Ellipticals Galaxies: How Do They Form and Evolve?
M82: A Burst of Star Formation InfraredVisible X-Ray
Centaurus A InfraredVisibleX-Ray
To find the earliest galaxies, we will need to explore the universe in the infrared. Looking Back in Time
The Lives of Stars
The Orion Nebula InfraredVisible X-Ray
Our Place in the Universe
Pause here
Spectra = Signatures
Active Astronomy Lessons Compare and contrast visible & infrared light 1. Overview and pre-test 2. What’s getting through to you? gel filters 3. Seeing the Invisible detector circuits 4. Reflection of Visible and Invisible mirrors and detector circuits 5. Listening to Light detector and transmitter circuits
UV Beads
NASA Resources
More Resources _back.pdf Project Spectra k-12/project-spectra/ k-12/project-spectra/ NASA Tour of the EM Spectrum
And More Resources SOFIA Active Astronomy eAstronomy/activeAstronomy.html eAstronomy/activeAstronomy.html SEEK and FLIR smart phone IR cameras ASP AstroShop PPT and Resource Word doc ations.html CSTA website
Thank you!
Visible vs Infrared Images
Sponsors for today’s talk NASA’s SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) Mission SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA
Chandra X-ray telescope _back.pdf