INFN Research Roadmap for Eric Frizziero (INFN) Marco Verlato (INFN) Luigi Zangrando (INFN) EGEE’09 Conference, Barcelona September 2009
A little of history… INFN started to work with geospatial web services in the context of CYCLOPS project – FP6 SSA of EGEE –> June November 2008 – Consortium: Civil Protection Agencies: ANPC (PT),DDSC (FR), DPC (IT), Pr. Chania (GR) Scientific and Technological Centres: CNR (IT), EMA (FR), INFN (IT), TEI (GR), UMINHO (PT) – Main Outcomes: Grid-enabled CP applications proof-of-concept Research Strategies and Innovation Guidelines for a European CP e- Infrastructure
Architectural framework
G-RISICO use-case Application built on top of grid-enabled OWS: – OpenGIS WPS (Web Processing Service): standard description of GIS calculation (the process), here the wild fire risk assessment model – OpenGIS WCS (Web Coverage Service): standard access to geospatial information data
Grid-enabled WCS example GRID WCS Traditional WCS Grid-WCS
CYCLOPS VO support Continued after the end of CYCLOPS project 14 EGEE production grid sites in total (in France, Italy, Portugal) Potentially > 600 CPU-cores and > 10 TB of storage available Central grid services (WMS, LB, VOMS, LFC) at INFN G-OWS services (WCS and WPS) at INFN >14k test & demo jobs >100 CPU.days
CYCLOPS follow up From CYCLOPS final review (Dec. 08) Draft work plan (from G-OWS charter) VO-OWS package 1.OWS implementation on WMProxy 2.Security aspects: basic security support Site-OWS package 1.OWS implementation on CREAM 2.SOS implementation on Instrument Element
CREAM CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) service: – general purpose framework for building grid services – functionalities/operations are pluggable for example, the functionality for accessing a database can be easily added and plugged to CREAM main functionalities provided: job management operations at the Computing Element (CE) level – allow the grid user to submit, cancel, monitor, … computational jobs – Computing Element: grid component acts as interface to computational resources single pc cluster of pc handled by a LRMS (e.g. LSF, PBS/Torque, Condor) supercomputer for High Performance Computing (HPC) CREAM describes and exposes its functionality through a Web Service interface
High level CREAM architecture In the current architecture, it is possible to plug different interfaces to CREAM (e.g. one for job management, one for database access, etc.). The different commands (that is the operations defined on the WS interfaces) are then managed by different command executors (pluggable). CREAM core OGSA-BES Job Exec BLAH CREAM job manag. LRMS ??? WS ??? Executor Multiple Web service interfaces can coexist Web service interfaces for job management Possible extension of CREAM capabilities: OGC interfaces? Job management functionalities Job management functionalities implementation Basic Execution Service (BES) an OGF specification
High level CREAM architecture Persistency, fault tolerance Support for both synchronous and asynchronous commands is provided Asynchronous commands execution is implemented by a priority queue A command can be also executed in a serial/parallel way ??? Executor ??? WS priority cmd queue Executor implementation cmd asynchronous commands synchronous command WS interface cmd CREAM core
“Simplified” view of CREAM architecture Web service interface – WS-I compliance – WSDL 1.1 – document/literal SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) paradigm adopted Fully implemented in Java – developed with Apache Axis (version 1.4) framework for Java CREAM runs as Java-Axis servlet on Tomcat 5.5 application server Web service interface AXIS Security layer X VOMS Tomcat To get access to the CREAM it is needed to cross the AuthN and AuthZ layers; The DN and VOMS attributes are extracted from the user's proxy certificate; The AuthZ is based on VOMS attributes and on the gridmap file; SOAP engine (servlet) servlet engine
“Generic” CREAM WS interface CREAM provides also a “generic” WS interface for executing commands The main operation is the execute() one which allows a client to execute synchronously/asynchronously the specified command implemented by CREAM through the associated command executor. – CommandResult execute(Command) Within the Command argument the client provides input parameters, execution category, specific executor name, etc the CommandResult returns the outputs produced (if executed synchronously) or the commandId (if executed asynchronously)
CREAM usage scenarios CREAM can be used: – through the gLite components (Web Services) – directly by the users they can build their own clients using a Web Service framework Direct Job Submission through gLite WMS CREAM gLite WMS
CREAM as coverage provider WMS WPS WCS CREAM gLite GUI RISICO RISICO Business Logic CREAM could become a coverage provider by adding the WCS interface WCSJMWCSJM WCS
OGC-WPS vs CREAM interface The WPS interface presents strong analogies with respect to the CREAM “generic” one. – execute() operation This encourages a possible integration of WPS in CREAM advantages: – If (almost) all resources (e.g. geospatial data) are locally distributed and provided by a single site which must provided an adequate local cluster of pc handled by a LRMS this avoid the intrinsic grid overhead – Inheritance of the CREAM security level (X509, VOMS) which is gLite compliant – Sophisticate asynchronous execution of commands priority command queue serial/parallel command execution Disadvantage: N/A
G-RISICO and CREAM WCS CREAM GUI WN OGC-WPS RISICO exec Local WCS Remote WCS Local cluster OGC WS interface Security layer X VOMS RISICO Business Logic
WPS and WCS integration WPS WPS Exec (RISICO WF) BLAH Geospatial data WCS WCS Exec BLAH Priority cmd queue cmd asynchronous commands synchronous command cmd LRMS WCS Remote WCS Direct access to the local WCS cmd
Conclusions A first preliminary analysis has shown that the CREAM framework could provide OWS services at site level A prototype could be developed in the context of future FP7 projects: – CYCLOPS-2 ? – Lifewatch related project? – …