Ethnicity CategoryFall 2009 Cohort (2 Years) Fall 2008 Cohort (3 Years) Fall 2007 Cohort (4 Years) Fall 2006 Cohort (5 Years) Fall 2005 Cohort (6 Years) Asian or Pacific IslanderN=7N=18N=21N=22N=27 Black Non-HispanicN=1N=7N=10N=8N=9 HispanicN=41N=73N=74N=76N=80 White Non-HispanicN=30N=68N=75N=77N=68 OtherN=145N=37N=22N=27N=23 College TotalN=226N=205N=203N=214N=209 Transfer Readiness Attainment by Ethnicity (by Spring 2011) Population was restricted to students whose first term was the term indicated in the column heading, had earned 12+ Units in that term and declared an intention to Transfer on their application. Transfer Readiness Status is achieved when a student has passed College level English & College Level Math & has earned 60 or more units (CCC Chancellor’s Office definition).
Ethnicity CategoryFall 2009 Cohort (2 Years) Fall 2008 Cohort (3 Years) Fall 2007 Cohort (4 Years) Fall 2006 Cohort (5 Years) Fall 2005 Cohort (6 Years) Asian or Pacific Islander0%22%19%9%37% Black Non-Hispanic0% 25%0% Hispanic27%23% 17%20% White Non-Hispanic2%32%23%21%26% Other8%14%18%19%26% College Total10%23%21%18%24% Population was restricted to students whose first term was the term indicated in the column heading, had earned 12+ Units in that term and declared an intention to Transfer on their application. Transfer Readiness Status is achieved when a student has passed College level English & College Level Math & has earned 60 or more units (CCC Chancellor’s Office definition). Transfer Readiness Attainment by Ethnicity (by Spring 2011)
Ethnicity CategoryFall 2009 Cohort Fall 2008 Cohort Fall 2007 Cohort Fall 2006 Cohort Fall 2005 Cohort Asian or Pacific Islander18%12%13%14%17% Black Non-Hispanic20%21% 15%19% Hispanic19%16%18%15%17% White Non-Hispanic22%21% 22%19% Other21%19%16%15%21% College Total20%17%18%17%18% Percentage of students earning 12+ Units in their first term by Ethnicity
Ethnicity CategoryFall 2009 Cohort Fall 2008 Cohort Fall 2007 Cohort Fall 2006 Cohort Fall 2005 Cohort Asian or Pacific Islander12/6626/21732/24835/25646/263 Black Non-Hispanic6/3015/7013/6311/7412/63 Hispanic79/422130/836159/869124/855129/776 White Non-Hispanic39/178101/477119/573115/51342/204 Other221/1,06765/34844/27833/227101/539 College Total362/ / / / /1864 Ratio of students earning 12+ Units in their first term to all first time students by Ethnicity