ALISE Gender SIG Webinar Dr. Sharon Stoerger Dr. Rebecca Reynolds Rutgers, School of Communication & Information December 11, 2015
Gender Inequality and Technology Technology is part of our daily lives Tech industry growth Technology jobs –Growing opportunities –High pay –In-demand jobs
Women, Occupations, & Technology
Diversity & the IT Workforce
Women, IT, and Higher Education
Images of Computer Science
SC&I Departments and Programs Departments Communication Journalism and Media Studies Library and Information Science Undergraduate Programs BA in Communication BA in Journalism and Media Studies BA in Information Technology and Informatics Minor in Digital Communication, Information, and Media Minor in Gender and Media
What is the ITI program? Information Technologies –Evaluate –Implement –Use –Manage Focus = people as users of technology
Growth in the ITI Program SP14FA14SP15FA15 Female Male Total Students
ITI Gender Demographics SP14 %FA14 %SP15 %FA15% Female 25%24%25%26% Male 75%76%75%74%
ITI Female Students & Ethnicity Ethnic Code SP14 % of Students FA14 % of Students SP15 % of Students FA15 % of Students Asian46%52% 50% White, Non- Hispanic 27%25%27%23% Black, Non- Hispanic 15%11%10%13%
ITI Male Students & Ethnicity Ethnic Code SP14 % of Students FA14 % of Students SP15 % of Students FA15 % of Students White, Non- Hispanic 45% 39% Asian32%31% 36% Hispanic, Non- Puerto- Rican 6%9% 10%
Improving Diversity in the ITI Program Focus group session Women in ITI (WITI) student organization Membership in the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Connections to Master of Information (MI) program in LIS
Focus Group Feedback Support –Program –Faculty Proposed initiatives –Networking Developing a speaker series Hosting/organizing events Social Media –Raising awareness about ITI –Student-led tutoring/study groups
Women in ITI (WITI)
WITI Events & Accomplishments
ITI Students & Graduate School Options
Questions? Sharon Stoerger, Ph.D. Director, Information Technology and Informatics (ITI) Program Rebecca Reynolds, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, LIS