Welcome Year 11 Last 7 Months Evening Thursday 5 th November
Aim of the Session To help students and parents prepare for the next 7 months
What you will get this evening Information about progression routes and levels A timeline for information, support and guidance throughout the year Some key messages about managing the stress of the year Some information about helping your child revise Information on post-16 courses across our Trust
Steps to Climbing Mt Everest/ Passing Your Exams
Find out where it is What are your targets?
Decide who’s going with you Talk to your parents, teachers and friends
Plan a route Attend the transition evening on Thursday 25 th February
Get to base camp Do your mock GCSEs
Set off for the top Work really hard during year 11
Achieve your goals!
Managing Stress - Bryony
Helping Your Child Revise -One size does not fit all! -The great lie about revision. -Nobody revises properly – and nobody ever has. -Is this a contentious idea? -Question everything!
Helping Your Child Revise -Personalised learning begins at school, but it can go home. -Every student is different. -There is no ‘One True Way’ to revise. -Be a participant.
Helping Your Child Revise -The first great mistake: Read The Book. -The second great mistake: Being A Chore. -The third great mistake: It’ll Be Alright On The Night. -The fourth great mistake: Not Learning The Language First.
The Favourite Album Revision Plan -One song per subject. -Chorus is the easy bit to remember. -Some lyrics are harder than others, so are some subjects. -Can be applied to multiple styles (VAK). -Makes revising much more tolerable!
Week CommencingFocus 9/11/15Assembly on progression routes 16/11/15Individual progression interviews start 14/12/15Mock GCSEs 18/1/16Mock results 27/1/16Parent – Teacher consultation evening 22/2/16Transition evening 15/3/16Help your child revise evening MayGCSEs start! OngoingConnexions interviews Timeline of Support and Guidance
Thank you for coming