By Ethan McConville and Davin Koons
The Great Barrier Reef Some people call The Great Barrier Reef the eighth wonder of the world. Some of the best looking coral in the world lives there.
The Layers of The Oceans
Things to do in the Ocean The ocean is full of endless fun, such as scuba diving, swimming, fishing, surfing, etc. but be careful to look out for SHARKS!
Famous Sailors Early sailors risked their lives while traveling across oceans. Christopher Columbus found the Caribbean on accident. Vasco Da Gama was the first European to prove there was a southern route to India. He was also the first man to sail around the southern tip of Africa.
Famous Sailors continued James Cook was considered the best ocean explorer of all time. He was the first European to visit New Zealand, Australia and other parts of the British Empire. Joshua Slocum was the first person to sail around the world in a small wooden boat, this took three years to accomplish.
Scuba Gear Scuba gear is accentual when diving to extreme depths of the ocean. Scuba gear includes a face mask, compressed air tank, air hose, a mouth piece, a compass, a weighted belt, a light, a pressure gauge, gloves, fins, and of course a wet suit.
The Oceans of the world
The Continental Shelf The Continental Shelf is a piece of land that slopes into the ocean.
The WWF The WWF [World Wildlife foundation] is trying to stop pollution in Rivers and Oceans. They also try to clean them to save animals.
The Tallest Mountain The tallest Mountain on Earth is not Mt. Everest, but Mt. Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Its base is on the bottom of the Pacific ocean and towers to the clouds at 30,000 feet tall!
Resource: KIDS DISCOVER Oceans 2 January 1997 Volume 7, Issue 1