Images of the 1920s
Celebrities of the 1920s Charles Lindbergh
Sigmund Freud Henry Ford
Josephine Baker
Mary Pickford Rudolph Valentino
Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees
Clara Bow Al Jolson
1920s Lifestyle
Flag pole sitting The Charleston
1920s movie “palace”
The great American novel of the 1920s
Small town merchants pose in front of their bank
The discovery of King Tut’s tomb
Prohibition – the “Noble Experiment” Al Capone Carrie nation
Making wine or beer at home for personal consumption was legal, but making it for sale was not.
Massacred mob victims speakeasies Anti-alcohol preacher Billy Sunday
The Scopes Trial John Scopes William Jennings Bryan
Darrow puts Bryan on the stand
Women’s Suffrage
Anti-suffrage poster
Women voting in 1920 Women arrested for bathing
Jeanette Rankin
Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Zora Neal Hurston
Marcus Garvey
Cartoon about putting off an anti-lynching bill
Omaha race riot Chicago rioters
Labor Strife John L. Lewis Labor leader
Boston police strike
President Calvin Coolidge
President Warren G. Harding
President Herbert Hoover
Teapot Dome Scandal Pres. Coolidge dancing with big business Socialist Party president and labor leader Eugene V. Debs Gets almost 1 million votes for president while in prison