STYLES 0 One popular style of writing used was Jazz: 0 This was a new thing for this time period and it was created in New Orleans and used in Harlem by African- Americans who were trying to express themselves in a time where they felt discriminated against. 0 Another popular style used was poetry: 0 This was a common form of writing for all authors of all races and time periods but the blacks of this time used it to show what it was like for them to live during the harsh times and being black in both a white community and a black one as well.
SUBJECTS 0 The writers of the Harlem Renaissance mainly felt inspired to write about topics like Race, class, religion, and gender. - all of these things, at the time, were common things that separated you from other people and discriminated people. -In some of their work, they focused entirely on black characters while some others wrote about relationships with different races. -Also, some writers only mentioned racism and the black person in relation to a black community. However there were still some who focused their work on the problems just inside the black community itself.
GENRES 0 Four main genres were used to portray their feelings about the Harlem Renaissance; poetry, fiction, drama, autobiography, short story, novel, folklore and essay. 0 They used many genres and to portray what it was like for them during this time and how it affected them. They used these genres to discuss their situation in hopes that it would make others understand and prove themselves just as worthy, and that there was no need to discriminate or be racist.
Effect 0 The Harlem Renaissance was home to African- Americans who wanted to be seen as equal and they felt one way to do that was through art. 0 The attempt was somewhat successful in that it brought America to have a new respect for the African-American arts and culture.