The End of WWI The Start of Peace. Key Terms and Dates Ratify Treaty Armistice A temporary halt in fighting that allows peace talks to begin A formal.


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Presentation transcript:

The End of WWI The Start of Peace

Key Terms and Dates Ratify Treaty Armistice A temporary halt in fighting that allows peace talks to begin A formal agreement negotiated between countries, like during peace talks To give formal approval to something, like a peace treaty End of WWI 11:00 am on 11/11/1918

The Armistice Why would Germany decide to seek an armistice? German leaders realize their cause is lost. German army had no reserves. Allies had fresh supply of troops with America’s entry into the war.

The Divisions How did the Allies differ in their ideas for the armistice? United States (Wilson) Want a harsh armistice. Wants an armistice based on international Cooperation (14 Points Peace Plan) France Britain Why do you think these countries had such contrasting opinions?

The Result What were the terms for the armistice? Germany pulls back troops on Western Front. Germany cancels Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Germany hands over fleet of U-boats. German Kaiser gives up the throne.

The Reasons What were the reasons for the armistice? Germany pulls back troops on Western Front. De-militarize France’s border Germany cancels Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Return land to Russia. Germany hands over fleet of U-boats. Make waters safer from attack. German Kaiser gives up the throne. Make Germany into a Republic.

Armistice Takes Effect WWI Ends Who had the most influence in the terms of the armistice? Which term did Wilson get, and why would he pursue this term? What does this show about Wilson’s original strategy for victory in the war?

Key Facts: Peace Conference WHAT WHERE WHEN The Big Four: Leaders of 4 major allies Writing a Peace Treaty Paris, France (Versailles) January 1919 Wilson? Other allies? WHO WHY

Wilson’s “Fourteen Point” Peace Plan Points 1-5 Points 6-13 Point 14 GOAL: END FUTURE WARS Deal with factors that led to the war. Deal with territorial issues from the war through self-determination International organization to guarantee world peace.

How did the first 5 points deal with factors that lead to the war? Eliminate secret international agreements Eliminate secret international agreements Freedom of the seas Freedom of the seas Free trade Free trade Reduce militaries Reduce militaries Settle colonial claims Settle colonial claims Imperialism Militarism Nationalism Alliance System

Treaty of Versailles Took away territory on Germany’s borders. Stripped Germany of its colonies. Germany has to accept full responsibility for the war. Forces Germany to pay reparations to the Allies Limits size and nature of German military 5 6 Creates of League of Nations to keep peace GOAL: PUNISH GERMANY

Treaty of Versailles is Signed Peace Negotiations End Contrast the goals that Wilson and the other Allies had for the peace treaty. Why would they be so different? Compare the way Germany would feel about the 14 Points plan and the Treaty of Versailles. Which would be a more effective way to establish peace?

Compare and Contrast Group 1: The views of Wilson and Britain/France over the armistice Group 2: The goals of Wilson and the other Allies over the peace treaty Group 3: The content and purpose of the armistice and the Treaty of Versailles Group 4: The content of Wilson’s 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles Group 5: Wilson’s influence in the armistice and the Treaty of Versailles and his earlier hope

Battle Over the League Senate needs to ratify the treaty Controversy: League of Nations Wilson’s View: U.S. destiny to lead the world on a new path Lodge’s View: Would restrict U.S. to act independently in its own interest. Think about it: What are the pros and cons of joining the League of Nations?

Result Wilson Travels the country Gives speeches Had a stroke Senate Rejects the treaty League is crippled without U.S. Think about it: How would Wilson feel about contemporary international relations if he were alive today?

Postwar Troubles Flu: Worldwide epidemic Labor: High unemployment Demand higher wages Strikes Communism (“Red Scare”) Blame for labor unrest Deport suspected communists (Palmer Raids)

Recall What was Lodge’s main argument against the League of Nations? How did the Senate vote on the treaty? Name 1 problem the country faced after the war. Homework: page 730 #7(a), 8(a), 9(a), 9(b), 10(a), 10(b)