Quietly… 1.Turn to the next clean right side in your notebook 2.Begin taking down the definition of an adverb that is on the whiteboard. 3.Be sure to date, title, and number the page. 4.After copying the notes, come up with at least 10 examples of adverbs on your own!
October 29 th, 2015 If you were absent last class, I need to see your chapter 1-8guided reading questions. Pick up the chapter 9 questions on the back wall. We will be doing a reading check in class today for chapters 4-9. Be sure to see me to reschedule a time for testing. Reading Check, Chapters 4-9 Narrator and Point of View
Reading Check While You Test: Your cell phone should not be on you. You should be focused on your test and doing your best. Use the copy of the test you have to keep track of your answers. This will make it much easier to see what you missed when it returns to you. After You Test: Double check your answers. Place your scantron and test on the front desk. Pick up chapter 10 questions. You may begin reading or you may take a brain break for a bit.
Narrator and Point of View 1.Why might Harper Lee tell the story from an adult perspective, narrated many years after the fact? 2.In the first seven chapters, can you find statements that remind us of an adult point of view? Or does the adult narrator enter completely into the world of her childhood? If yes, record at least 2 specific examples. Include page numbers. Directions: Discuss the following questions with your assigned partner(s). After discussing, each member should record their answers in their own notebooks. 10/27 Odd page number
Left Side? Begin another version of the novel told in first person from Boo Radley’s perspective. How would Boo Radley describe Jem, Scout, and Dill? Excellent examples would be a page in length.
Homework Study for your chapter 1-10 vocabulary test that will be 11/4 Follow this link to a Kahoot! review Read chapter 10 and complete corresponding guided reading questions, due 11/2. Be sure to include page numbers for where you found the answers to your questions