1. Define Database, Database Management System and Database System. How they are interrelated with one another. How a user access the data from the Database? Explain with the help of Block Diagram? 2. a) Differentiate between Traditional File Processing System and Database System? b) Define the term DBA. Explain the various Roles of Database Administrator? 3. Write short notes on the following: a) Datab) Information c)Entity d)Domain e)Tuplef)Cardinality Ratio 4. Explain the three Schema Architecture of a Database System with Block Diagram? 5. Write short note on Hierarchical and Network Data Model along with their advantages and disadvantages?
6. a)Explain the term data independence.Also explain physical and logical data independence by giving example. b) Describe the difference between Client/Server architecture and tradition DBMS architecture. 7. Explain the various advantages and disadvantages of database system environment? 8. Define the following terms: a) Metadata b) Data Dictionary c) Distributed Databases 9. What is the purpose of E-R Model ? Explain various types of entities, Attributes and relationships used in this model with the help of suitable example? 10 Explain the following keys: a)Primary keyb) Secondary Key c) Candidate Keyd) Foreign key e) Alternate Keyf) Super Key