LO: To analyse language effectively using PEEZ. Write the date and LO into your books.
Write a short description of the picture using sensory imagery. What can you… Smell? Taste? Hear? See? Feel? Remember to also use interesting vocabulary!
Who has got an amazing one? Swap and read. Who has got an amazing one? Can we read one aloud?
Copy the following question and write a PEEZ paragraph.
How does the author create a vivid description? The author creates a vivid description by using language to create imagery in the reader’s mind. This is shown when the writer says… “ ” This suggests…
Zoom… A great way to improve your grade… Connotation – an idea that is implied or suggested. Zoom… A great way to improve your grade… A word/ phrase that is particularly powerful is “________” because it makes the reader think about… . Can you add in a technical term?
Peer Assessment Grab a purple pen. Swap books with your learning partner. Read their work and mark using two stars and two wishes. Don’t forget to give them USEFUL feedback! Now give them a mark out of 10!
READING LEVEL DESCRIPTORS 3 I can read some range of texts fluently and accurately. I can read independently. If I come across a word I don't know, I am able to try and work its meaning out by myself, and I am often successful. I can usually understand the main points of a piece of writing. I can formulate my own ideas and opinions about a text I have read. I can use my knowledge of the alphabet to help me find books and information in a library or index. 4 I can read a range of texts and show understanding of their main ideas, themes, events and characters. I can sometimes infer and deduce meanings from the texts that I read. I understand how texts reflect the time and culture in which they were written. I can refer to the text when explaining my views. I am able to find the information that I need. 5 I understand a range of texts and can select the essential points from them. Where appropriate, I am able to deduce and infer information and meaning from these texts. I can identify key features, themes and characters and can select sentences, phrases and relevant information to support my views. I understand that texts fit into historical and literary traditions. I can retrieve and collate information from a range of sources. 6 I can read, understand and discuss a range of texts. I can identify different layers of meaning and comment on their significance and effect. I can give a personal response to literary texts , and refer to aspects of language, structure and themes to justify my views. I can make connections between texts from different times and cultures; I can link these to my own experiences. I can summarise a range of information from different sources. 7 I understand the ways in which meaning and information are conveyed in a range of texts. I can articulate personal and critical responses to poems, plays and novels. I show awareness of the thematic, structural and linguistic features of a range of texts. I understand why some texts are particularly valued and influential. I can select, synthesise and compare information from a variety of sources. 8 I frequently demonstrate my appreciation of and ability to comment on a wide range of texts. I can evaluate how authors achieve their effects. I can select and analyse information and ideas, and comment on how these are conveyed in different texts. I can explore some of the ways in which texts from different times and cultures have influenced literature and society.
Colour code the different elements of PEEZ. What do you notice?