The CFO Perspective Richard Paik Financial Controller Microsoft New Zealand
Part 1 - The Microsoft CFO View Where is the economy going The role of technology investments Optimising costs, productivity, profitability
Comparison to Previous Bears Crash of 1929 Tech Crash
Realities of the “New Normal” RESET time Economic growth
New Normal and Our Industry
Driving Growth in the New Normal
Market Share in a New Normal
Leaders Take Market Share
Driving Growth in the New Normal
Long-Term Approach to Innovation
Strength of Product Portfolio
Why Partner with Microsoft?
Part 2 – The CFO IT Investments within the company Planning Governance Results
My guidelines to IT 1. Business and IT aligned Priorities Direction Fundamentals 2. Investment to realise gains across the business 3. Cost savings on the bottom-line always good 4. Predictable, budget-able 5. Deliver the IT Strategy/Vision 6. Total Picture – financial, costs, cashflow, tax, capabilities 7. Balance short term & longer term