Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear? By: Karen Sapp
climate The average, or normal weather conditions of a place. The average, or normal weather conditions of a place. The type of climate you live in, depends on where you live. The type of climate you live in, depends on where you live.
protection The keeping of someone or something from harm. The keeping of someone or something from harm. Football players wear a helmet to protect their head. Football players wear a helmet to protect their head.
moisture Water or other liquid in the air or on a surface. Water or other liquid in the air or on a surface. There was a drop of moisture on the leaf. There was a drop of moisture on the leaf.
erupt To break out suddenly with force. To break out suddenly with force. We watched the water erupt from the ground. We watched the water erupt from the ground.
discovery Something that is seen or found out for the first time. Something that is seen or found out for the first time. The scientists had a great discovery when they found a new type of sea urchin. The scientists had a great discovery when they found a new type of sea urchin.