Public Policy Global warming and its impact on the environment. Running out of energy sources; need to find renewable sources of energy. Pollution; fossil fuels polluting the air.
Hillary Clinton Clinton believes in global warming and it is caused by factories and other businesses. She’s stated her support for “green-collar” job training for job creations in the renewable energy realm. Has taken stands for clean air and wants more funding for the Environmental Protection Agency. Main goals if she is in office: To have more than half a billion solar panels installed across the country. Has proposed a comprehensive energy plan that will not rely on nuclear power.
Bernie Sanders Believes in climate change and caused by the people Refers to it as the “great planetary crisis we now face.” Believes climate change is a global crisis and the influence of lobbying is to blame The only way to overcome the situation is to tackle it head on and find the solutions before it’s too late Funded 1 billion dollars a year to train workers into jobs in the clean energy economy
Donald Trump “Weather Changes and you have storms, and you have rain and you have beautiful days, but I do not believe that we should imperil the companies within our country.” He believes that there are more problems to worry about and that climate change should be at the bottom of the list. Trump wants everything to remain the same “Global warming was created by and for the Chinese” Won’t do anything about climate change because he doesn’t believe in global warming
Ted Cruz Does not believe that humans didn’t cause climate change Isn’t convinced that climate change is a threat to our society and doesn’t believe in global warming He thinks that climate change is a theology and a pseudo- scientific scheme to give liberals more power Argued that the Clean Air Act does not allow for regulation of carbon emissions He introduced a bill, which if enacted, would repeal all federal climate change regulation in the U.S. Keystone XL pipeline and crude oil exports ban
Marco Rubio He believes in global warming and wants to find solutions for it He wants to use hydroelectric resources, lush forests, and farm land, so that this nation has access to natural resources Proposals: Wants to eliminate government-imposed barriers on energy production and economic growth Lift the ban, which would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, boost wages, and lower gas costs He believes this is achievable by strengthening our national security by asserting our global leadership