P1 Open Day Thursday 3 December 2015
About the School Co-educational Catholic primary school honouring and developing a catholic ethos of caring, respect and endeavour 411 pupils including the nursery All of the foundation/key stage 1 classes are no more than 25 pupils Catchment mostly from the local area but some pupils travel from Lisburn, Crumlin and Glenavy School is used by other schools for training of teachers as a model of good practice. Used by RTU for training of prospective Head Teachers
Facilities Every class is networked Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard The school has a dedicated computer suite and library The school has over 40 ipads which every class has access to and which are also used in P1 for assessment purposes There are two large playgrounds and shared outdoor spaces for outdoor play based actvities Dining hall and lunch area Assembly Hall
Inspection Report Our most recent inspection by ETI found all the major areas of focus to be outstanding We received a no follow up report deeming the teaching outstanding, the pastoral care outstanding and the management of the school as outstanding In all the lessons observed 100% ranged between very good and outstanding The relationship between the staff and the pupils was particularly highlighted.
Major Works The school was opened in 2001 and as such is still relatively new. Over the past twelve months a new classroom and office space has been built The school makes use of the one mobile classroom for additional small group work
Why Send Your Child to Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School We have a proven track record in terms of curriculum delivery. Our standardised scores and our end of key stage results are extremely high and are a reflection of the high expectations of our pupils and the teachers The relationships between our teachers and pupils are outstanding and this is recognised not just by ETI but through our annual parent audit as part of our school development plan.
Transition We work closely with the Colin Neighbourhood Parenership who work alongside parents and pupils in assisting in the transition process. A range of incredible years courses are available for parents of our nursery and others in the community We carry out a range of baseline testing for your child when they arrive in the first term. We identify at an early stage any areas for development which there may be and put in place education plans for those pupils in need.
Curriculum We follow closely the Northern Ireland curriculum. Foundation stage is a practical skills based curriculum but we ensure that children are introduced to the written word from an early stage. We have developed strategies for reading, writing and numeracy through dedicated programmes designed by our teachers.
Curriculum 2 We work with a host of outside agencies for sport such as Sports in the Community, IFA, GAA. We have an extended schools programme unrivalled in other schools We have a breakfast club for all pupils every morning beginning at 8.00am. We have a fun club for after school from 2.00pm for younger pupils and from 3.00pm for older pupils
Music and Drama The school is very proud of the tradition of developing the arts amongst the pupils Every child has dedicated music sessions each week Opportunities exist to learn a musical instrument and undertake musical accreditation (grades) A string orchestra practice every week and perform at all the major events Any pupil can be a part of the choir and they perform throughout the city during the year e.g. this year they are participating in the Peace Proms at the SSE Arena in February There are two musical productions each year key stage 1 at Christmas and key stage 2 in the summer.
Extended After School Programme This year alone the following programmes are running in the school: 1. Hurling/ Camogie P2-P7 2. Coderdojo- Coding for computer programmes P5-P7 3. Cookery P2-P7 4. GAA Activities 5. Art P2-P7 6. Gardening P2-P7 7. Irish Dancing 8. Soccer P4-P7 9. Irish Language P4-P7 10. Guitar Club P2-P7 11. Monkeynastics P4-P7
Pastoral Care As highlighted in the inspection report our procedures for pastoral care and child protection are deemed to be outstanding. Our Designated Teacher is the VP Mrs Donaghy who gets to know all the children and their families very quickly. Our Deputy Designated teacher is Mr Kilpatrick. We are in frequent contact with our Educational Welfare Officer and follow up on all cases of concern be that attendance, punctuality, friendship concerns etc We have a highly developed buddy and prefect system. A dedicated counselling service from Barnardos is available for all pupils on site.
Come And See What Our School Can Offer Your Child
Registration for Primary One All children born between 2 nd July 2012 and 1 st July Registration forms are available from the school office. Your child must be registered by 12 Noon on Wednesday 13 th of January - details of admissions criteria for every school and an application form.
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