Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News December 21 st – 22 nd, 2015
Dates to save: December 21 st : Wear pjs and bring a flashlight/ booklight December 22 nd : In School Read-a-Thon in the a.m. Class Christmas Party at 1:20-2:20 December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break ***SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION on Monday, January 4th
Gingerbread Houses Because we had so many other things that needed to be sent home, the houses did not go home. They will be going home tomorrow. If you are helping with the party on Tuesday I will send your child’s with you that day. Art Bags I hope you enjoyed seeing your child’s artwork. Please return the empty bag tomorrow so we can begin filling it up again!
Outside Recess Please remember that it gets really muddy on the playground when there is snow. As a result, we will be asking the students to wear snowpants, boots, etc. Please send those items each day. They can be sent back in forth using the extra cloth back that was on the supply list at the beginning of the year.
Reward Party As excitement builds before break, we set a goal to work hard and work together as a team. Because the students had worked so hard, they were able to earn their reward: flashlight pj party! Please send a flashlight/booklight (with your name on it) if you have one tomorrow (Monday)! Kids – don’t forget to wear your pjs!!
Read-a-thon Tuesday students will participate in the read-a-thon in the morning. Here are a few things your child will enjoy: Songs and Story in the gymnasium Partner Activity with Mrs. Swan’s Classroom Story with Last Year's Teacher Teacher Switch ( min. time slots where teachers will read stories) It will be a FUN morning!
December Birthdays We will celebrate your child’s birthday here at school If you decide to send store bought treats or goodies please send 24 of them. If it's a weekend day we will celebrate the Friday before or Monday after. We will also celebrate ½ birthdays. If this doesn’t work for you we can celebrate it in May. Please let me know which day you will choose if it falls on the weekend or holiday break. 4 th – Ben 14 th – Jackson 24 th – Ella 28 th – Priscilla ½ Birthdays: 24 th - Sarah
Report Cards Report Cards have been posted to Skyward You can view your child’s progress for the first trimester there. The students have been working hard and have done a great job! It’s been fun to see the growth with their reading levels!
Homework No Math Home Links this week No book baggies or family journals sent on Tuesday Complete and return any homework assignments that have not been completed Challenge Homework will be optional –Sent home on Tuesday If you are looking for more practice, be sure to look at the activities listed in their TIGER folder
Upcoming Academics: This will change each week!
Reading: Reading and Spelling: Lesson 10 Main Story: A Cupcake Party Word Wall Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take Comprehension Strategy: story structure, visualization Phonics: Short u review, final clusters, and –ump endings (jump, dump, etc.) Grammar: synonyms and prepositional phrases (where: on, up, away; when: after, now, today) Writing: Description and organization
Spelling Review Spelling Words: us, sun, but, fun, bus, run, jump, must, *give, *put, Your child will also be asked to write a sentence with some of these words in them in addition to words that follow the short u and final clusters with -mp. Be sure to practice words with these patterns so he/she will be prepared for this part of the test.
Unit 2 Review We are nearing the end of Theme 2 in our reading series. As part of the unit assessment, I will be checking all of the students on their word wall words (sight words) and short vowel words with the CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) pattern. On the following page, you will see examples of the types of words assessed. The words in the last column of the box are nonsense words - Can your child read these “chunks”? Assessments will be completed before the break
Examples of Short a, e, i, o, and u words: stockplanplant*strup dripclipglad*spag stackswamscrap*flam struckstraphill*grat clockswimslim*drif dumpbragchop trucktripflat Note: When the students are evaluated on phonetic words, this 1-5 grading scale will be used. 1= Needs help on almost every word. Has difficulty blending beginning, middle and ending sound. 2= Needs help on several words. Has difficulty blending the sounds, but is able to catch onto the pattern after much modeling. 3= Average. Able to read the majority of the words, but needs some help when switching middle sounds. 4= Able to read words easily. Can switch between vowel sounds without needing help. 5= Excelling. Able to read the words very quickly. Can switch between vowel sounds without hesitation. The students will also be writing various words with these short vowels. Try some to see how they do!
Theme 2 Word Wall Words her now our she today would good have he help here animal how make of some why away call come every hear said give one put small take after draw pictures read was write hold look many me my find for friend full funny too what who with you all and be do does no play pull sing they
Spelling Review List As we come to the close of the unit, we will also be assessing the spelling words from the unit. They are as follows: comesaid ofwhy shewould wasafter giveput
Math Concepts for this week in class: reading the temperature, measuring with nonstandard units, standard units of measurement (feet and inches) Anticipated Homework: Monday: None Tuesday: None Wednesday: No Homework Thursday: None Friday: None
More Math…. Here is the link if you need to reprint homework pages: home/unit_4/ home/unit_4/ Things you can practice at home if you are looking for additional ideas: -Telling time to the nearest hour -Counting combinations of pennies and nickels and dimes
Word of the Week Extra: Each week, your child can receive a sticker for their sticker book by writing down our special word/phrase of the week along with a parent signature. This word also helps me to know that you have seen the newsletter! They love stickers! Word of the week: Winter Break
Family Journals Family Journals are due each Monday. Please use the next empty page to complete your response to your child. I also encourage you to use the letter format to allow your child to see and experience that format.
General Homework Expectations Mondays: Spelling words and word wall words will come home (practice these words to be ready for the spelling test on Friday Wednesdays: Wednesday work: students complete the comprehension page as well as practice reading the words on the opposite side. When you feel your child is confident in knowing the words and has completed the comprehension page, please return it to the classroom. It is due by the following Tuesday at the latest. Monday through Friday: Math homework will be sent home each day, except Wednesdays. I expect each page to come back the following day.
Volunteering Sign Up With Students volunteer Sign Up Without Students volunteer2
Volunteering The media center is also looking for volunteers to help shelve books. In the past, some parents have volunteered in the library right before coming to our room to volunteer. Please contact them beforehand to see if they have an available opening. Thank you for ALL your help! We couldn’t do it without you!!!
Digital Days Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Phy. Ed. (Wear your Tennis Shoes) Music MediaComputer Music ComputerP.E. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Day 4Day 5Day 1Day 2Day 3
Contact Information Angie Kurth 1 st GradeTeacher – rm ext.4102, Classroom Website/Blog: school/gradesstaff/first-grade/mrs-kurth