Activities Participate in activities based around being part of the Red Class. Understand that this is our group and that each of us as a place here. Focus on activities which move around the Circle so that each child knows that they will have a turn, and when that will be. Follow the rules of the classroom together focusing on the ‘Show me 5’ guidelines. Look at pictures and artefacts from Christmas and other Festivals of Light taking place this term. Use candles to enhance the sense of reflection. Taste different foods from the festivals. Make and express choices. Participate in class/dept/school services for Harvest, Christingle, Remembrance Sunday, and Christingle. Work on individual dressing and self care skills in play activities as well as the natural routines inherent in the school day. Emphasise the need for healthy foods and cleaning teeth at snack and lunch times. Engage in role play activities based on the jobs people do at home, and the many ways parents help their children particularly in terms of keeping clean and healthy. Practise real life skills such as washing up, doing the laundry. Use cleaning materials with a variety of scents and textures including metal scrunchies, sponges etc to engage the different senses. Place an emphasis on keeping equipment and hands clean when role playing doctors and nurses, and on being kind and sensitive. Play ‘pass the parcel’ when talking about the postman, to develop sharing and social play, as Use role play to look at how gentle hairdressers have to be. Spray then dry each other’s hair, and brush it. Use hand mirrors to show the back ICT Use favourite songs and programmes on the IWB for developing awareness of others and their rights/needs. Turn taking and sharing using programmable toys, ipads and the pc. RE/SMSC Express and communicate different feelings and emotions. Value the learning, success and achievements of themselves and others. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Listen and respond to basic instructions and prompts e.g. tro nesa. Thinking Skills Develop listening and attention skills. Extend periods of concentration. Promote positive ways of asking for help when required. Topic: People Who Help Us Area: PSD,WB&CD Class: Red Date : Autumn 2015
ICT Skills Experiment with new learning opportunities e.g. understand that this is a new programme or experience for them, and accept the changes. RE/SMSC Skills Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills Develop a positive self image and a sense of belonging to different communities and have an understanding of their own Welsh identity. Thinking Skills Find symbol/picture for desired item and add to phrase on sentence strip or tablet computer Make an attempt at representing things/animals etc. in structured role-play activities. Class: Red Date: Autumn 2015 Topic: People Who Help Us Area: PSHE Foundation Phase Skills Take risks and become confident explorers of their indoor and outdoor environments. Show curiosity and develop positive attitudes to new experiences and learning. Develop an understanding of dangers in the school and outdoor environments. LNF Skills Reading Show increased attention to some books, while discarding others (A Steps) Attend with interest as an adult reads a story, look at, touch and manipulate the book at intervals. (A Steps) Recognise and make meaning from words and pictures on-screen (C Steps) Using data skills Match related pairs of objects or pictures, e.g. knife and fork, shoe and sock (Csteps) Sort and classify objects using one criterion Record collections using marks, numbers or pictures.