Presenters: ◦ Jackie Byrd, Head, Area Studies Cataloging Section, IUB Wells Library ◦ Carl Horne, Slavic & Central Eurasian Cataloger and NACO/SACO Liaison, IUB Wells Library ◦ Chris Long, Catalog Librarian, Ruth Lilly Law Library, Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis ◦ Andrea Morrison, Monographic Cataloger, IUB Wells Library
RDA Concepts RDA and AACR2 Bibliographic Record Examples Impact on User Access Implementation
Carl Horne
Find = discovery, bibliographic retrieval Identify = differentiate from similar titles, editions, etc. Select = formulate a decision on suitability of resource Obtain = actual retrieval, from library’s collection, from a remote electronic source, etc.
1 st edition -- IUB’s Lilly Library copy, signed by author vs. 1 st edition -- IU Wells Library copy
1 st edition vs. 3 rd edition Item
Work in original language vs. French-language translation Manifestation Item
Mousetrap : a play / Agatha Christie vs. Mousetrap : a short story / Agatha Christie Expression Manifestation Item
A Work is realized through an Expression is embodied in a Manifestion is exemplified by an Item
Andrea Morrison
AACR2 Record – Single Author Title RDA Record – Single Author Title Author: Olney, Martha L., Title: Macroeconomics as a second language / by Martha Olney. Published: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2011. Edition: 3 rd ed. Description: xvi, 334 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Author: Olney, Martha L., author. Title: Macroeconomics as a second language / by Martha Olney. Published: Published: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, ©2011. Edition: Third edition. Description: xvi, 334 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volume
Under RDA, catalogers transcribe an element as it appears on the piece with no abbreviations. Unless – guidelines from the Library of Congress or local cataloging guidelines tell us differently. Result: Records may vary widely in appearance and practice.
AACR2 RecordRDA Record Title: Bone augmenation [i.e. augmentation] in oral implantology Or Title: Bone augmenation [sic] in oral implantology Variant title: Bone augmentation in oral implantology Or Title: Bone augmen[t]ation [sic] in oral implantology Published: [S.l. : s.n., 200-?]. Title: Bone augmenation in oral implantology Variant title: Title should read: Bone augmentation in oral implantology Published: [Place of publication not identified] : Publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified].
AACR2: [et al.] is used for transcribing more thatn three names of authors, editors, etc. RDA: No such limitatin in RDA. Only the first name is required. Title: Second growth : community economic development in rural British Columbia / Sean Markey … [et al.]. Title: Characters form Dickens : dramatised adaptation / by Barry Campbell ; edited by Art Peterson … [et al.]. Title: Second growth : community economic development in rural British Columbia / Sean Markey, John T. Pierce, Kelly Vodden, Glen Saunders and Mark Roseland. or Title: Second growth : community economic development in rural British Columbia / Sean Markey [ and four others]. Title: Characters form Dickens : dramatised adaptation / by Barry Campbell ; edited by Art Peterson, Dr. Colin Barham, Barry Campbell, and Leon Golman.
AACR2 RecordRDA Record Published: London [Ont.] : Environmetrics Press, (More than one place of publication given): London – Stockholm – Copenhagen – New York Published: London ; New York : Hedstrom Pub. Co., Published: London : Environmetrics Press, Note: Published in London, Ontario Published: London : Hedstrom Publishing Company, or Published: London ; Stockholm ; Copenhagen ; New York : Hedstrom Publishing Company, 2008.
Title: The glass flowers at Harvard / Richard Evans Schultes and William A Davis with Hillel Burger. Description: Cambridge : Botanical Museum of Harvard University, c1992. Description: 118 p. : col. photos. ; 28 cm. Contents: “First published 1982 by E.P. Dutton, New York”–T.p. verso. Other contributors: Schultes, Richard Evans. Other contributors: Davis, William A. Other contributors: Burger, Hillel. Author: Harvard University. Botanical Museum, issuing body. Title: The glass flowers at Harvard / Richard Evans Schultes, Edward C. Jeffrey Professor of Biology and Director of the Botanical Museum, Harvard University, and William A. Davis, Keeper of Scientific Exhibits, Botanical Museum, Harvard University, with Hillel Burger, Chief Photographer, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Published: Cambridge : Botanical Museum of Harvard University, [1992], ©1992. Description: 118 pages : color photographs ; 28 cm. Contents: “First published 1982 by E.P. Dutton, New York”--Title page verso. Other cont.: Schultes, Richard Evans, author. Other cont.: Davis, William A., author. Other cont.: Burger, Hillel, photographer. [Content type, Media type, and Carrier type do not display in our OPAC.]
Jackie Byrd
Many fewer abbreviations No more “rule of three” No more Latin Relationship Designators
Lack of standardization, e.g. edition statements as presented on item: 1 st ed.I ed. 1 st edition.I edition. Ed. 1.First ed. Edition 1.First edition. How would this affect keyword searching?
Loss of GMD (General Material Designator): Currently users can easily tell via the GMD after the title proper whether a title listed in search results is a videorecording, a sound recording, an online resource, etc.
With GMD:
Without GMD:
Instead of the GMD, RDA uses three new fields: 336: Content (fundamental form) 337: Media (intermediation device) 338: Carrier (storage medium and housing)
336: cartographic image 337: unmediated 338: sheet Note that print items are treated the same as any other medium. In AACR2, this map would have a GMD: [map]
The fields are intended to facilitate communication between computers, but many feel that patrons are losing valuable information. Unfortunately, our ILS does not allow us to “translate” the fields into a string better intended for human beings, e.g. “print map” in the previous example. Thus far, we have elected not to display these fields in our OPAC.
We have some special OPAC searches that rely on the GMD, e.g. DVD/Video search, Sound Recording Search, E-Book Search. We are unsure about how to handle these in an RDA environment.
Chris Long
British, Canadian, and Australian national libraries are already planning for implementation Public report on implementation decision from the U.S. national libraries due before ALA annual meeting (June ) Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) task force has recommended that RDA be adopted regardless of U.S. national libraries’ decision Several libraries (Stanford, Chicago, BYU) have also indicated probability of continuing to use RDA regardless of U.S. national libraries’ decision
Role of the IO Cataloging Congress Some steps already taken … Resource Description & Access Task Group (created Sept. 2010) ◦ study RDA ◦ identify necessary changes to existing IOCC cataloging practices and guidelines ◦ recommend a system-wide implementation approach and timeline IU RDA Wiki: Symphony “Tag Table” Task Group ◦ tag table updated in Nov to accommodate new MARC21 fields related to RDA
In any event, more training will be necessary!