Mathematical Literacy GRADE 11- STATISTICS
Household Service Delivery Statistics The dawn of democracy in 1994 created a new dispensation in which access to basic services such as housing,water and sanitation was recognized as a fundamental human right.South Africa inherited high level of poverty and it continues to be confronted with unequal and often inadequate access to resources,infrastructure and social service.
Key statistics Access to pipe water 89.9 % Access to improved sanitation 77.9 % Access to mains electricity 85.4 % Use solid fuels for cooking 10.9 % Dwelling owned 66.4 % Living in formal dwellings 77.7 % Municipal refuse removal 66.0 %
Number of consumer units in each province receiving free basic services from municipalities and service providers: South Africa Province WaterWaterElectricitySewerage and sanitationSolid waste management 2010* * * *2011 Western Cape Eastern Cape Northern Cape Free State KwaZulu-Natal North West Gauteng Mpumalanga Limpopo South Africa
Number of consumer units receiving sewerage and sanitation and free basic sewerage and sanitation services from municipalities over the period 2010 and *2011 Number of consumer units receiving sewerage and sanitation services Number of consumer units receiving free basic sewerage and sanitation services % Number of consumer units receiving sewerage and sanitation services Number of consumer units receiving free basic sewerage and sanitation services % , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,0
Number of households without access to services
Applied skills Think about the current sanitation problems in the Limpopo province and think of ways in which we as responsible citizens can help to address this issue. Give advice to our municipalities on how they can economically solve this problem of sanitation.