Ashok K. Agrawala Professor of Computer Science University of Maryland
Pure Consciousness Mental + Consciousness Physical + Mental + Consciousness
Primary Building Blocks of Creation Active Consciousness Energy Passive Information
Energy Physical World Entities Energy Mass Equivalence Forms of Energy Use of Energy To carry out any action requires energy of the proper form To represent information
Forms of Energy Physical Multiple forms Potential energy Kinetic Energy Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Magnetic Energy Gravitation Strong and Weak Nuclear Mass Energy Equivalence Mental/Etheric Spiritual These may have multiple forms also.
Consciousness Consciousness Element (CE) Requires influx of Consciousness Current (CC) for it to activate CE may become dormant if there is no CC. Consciousness Current may come from another CE and may also contain some commands/goals/directives etc. Basic Attributes Awareness and Self-awareness Self-actuation Intelligence
Awareness and Self-awareness Collection of all information that is accessible When this includes access to its own information that implies self-awareness Self Actuation Ability to initiate actions Typically in the form of changing information Intelligence Ability to map information to actions
Information The common form for the term information Uses energy Access by active entities Forms of Information Physical A representation – does not have meaning or essence As arrangement of energy or matter Coordinate Addressable Using physical form of Energy or Matter Primary uses – by Physical Entities, through physical means.
Forms of Information Mental Content Addressable Uses Etheric/Pranic/Chi Energies Accessible to Mental Elements Does not contain meaning or essence Primary user - Mind Spiritual Level Uses Spiritual Energies Meaning and Essence Smooth Transition among Levels of Abstractions Primary user – Consciousness Entity
Every Physical Entity has Energy or Matter as its physical component Every Physical Entity has an associated Consciousness Element All the information about the physical component is stored in higher realm and is accessible to the associated CE.
Basic Structure – Physical Entity The interaction between the Physical Entity and its associated CE is through information – as the information changes so does the physical entity. A CE attached to a non-living physical entity does not have any intelligence or self-actuation capabilities A Physical Entity does not have its own energy generation capability It interacts with other entities through available energy using the laws of their interaction.
Interaction of Physical Entities As the Physical Entities interact due to the energies in and around them their information changes The CE associated with the Physical Entities, which is primarily dealing with the information, changes as the information changes A Physical Entity may change if the CE associated with it changes the information.
Interaction of Physical Entities All interactions of Physical Entities require external energies which are physical entities also An interaction may trigger another interaction and if suitably arranged a long sequence of interactions may go on
Grouping of Physical Entities
When we group a number of physical entities the CEs associated with each still remain but an additional CE is associated with the group which maintains a link with each CE of the group members The Group CE may carry out a coordination function among the CEs of the group
Physical Entity Examples Quarks Elementary particles Atoms Molecules IC Light Radio Wave
Emergent Properties of Groups The group CE has to make a CC connection To the CE’s of the group To external CE for actuation and receiving other directions Depending on the composition of the group the abilities of the group CE may be more than what can be anticipated from the CE’s of the group members Emergent Properties Provided by the external connection to the group CE Downward Causation
Living Entity (LE) A Living Entity typically consists of a large number of PEs A Living Entity has the ability of Generating its own energy, and Carrying out actions A Living Entity requires food and may discard waste products A Living Entity has a CE which is the group CE for all constituent PEs This CE requires CC connection to some other CE which may be outside the Living Entity
Living Entity – A Cell A cell consists of a number of molecules of chemical elements A cell has the machinery to generate energy It carries out some actions The actions are initiated by the associated CE either directly or through CEs for some of the constituents of the cell
Living Entity – An Organ An organ consists of a number of cells There is a CE for the organ which coordinates the functions of all the cells in the organ. CE for the organ has a CC connection with the CE for the body of which this organ is a part Once the organ is separated from the body the CC connection may be lost The organ can survive for a while as long as the “food” is available for it May not be able to carry out its functions fully as the connection with the Body CE is missing.
An animal has Many relatively autonomous parts Sensing Capabilities Action Capabilities Voluntary Involuntary Much more complex Survival requires quick action MIND
Body Physical Entity Soul Consciousness Entity Mind Mental Entity
Mental Region Animal Body is a complex entity requiring a lot of coordinated actions which require suitable control mechanisms The actions can be Involuntary Voluntary When some living entities become large and complex and are capable of a lot of actions they require an intermediate level - MIND
Mental Entity (ME) Function in mental realm Have their own CEs May or may not be associated with a body Work with information which is primarily stored about all physical entities of the body and related things in the mental realm Can initiate physical actions by influencing the information of the physical entities Derive CC connection from Body CE
MIND Has access to information stored in mental realm Content Addressable Has local storage of information which is not accessible to any other similar entity Has ability to acquire information through sense organs Has ability to initiate actions through action organs Has some intelligence to translate information into actions based on: Prior experiences Reactive instincts – survival …
MIND Has a model of the world around in its local storage This model is learned through sensing, education, experience, etc. Functioning in the world is governed by this model The model keeps evolving/changing with experience The access to information is limited to what is stored and even that gets restricted Has the ability of some manipulation (processing) of information using learned techniques – thinking Derives its CC connection from the CE of the Body – Soul Soul – the CE of a body, and the mind have a close connection
Pure Consciousness Realm This is the realm of Pure Consciousness Each CE is capable of functioning in this realm The information in this realm is with its meaning and can transition smoothly at various levels of abstraction A CE functioning in this realm may derive CC from the Universal Source (GOD) Soul has access to the pure information at this level The access is governed by the degree of enlightenment of the soul
Human Being A Human being has a body, mind and soul For functioning in the world a human being has to carry out a lot of functions which are primarily governed by the mind Ego, which is a part of the mind, is primarily responsible for self-sustenance of the body, may block or restrict the connection to the soul Mind has access to its mental information which it acquired. This may be different from the true information coming from physical realities etc.
Human Being When a human being dies the body to mind and soul connection is broken The mind and soul connection still exists A lot of information the mind acquired and retained about its model of the world around is of no use and is discarded The information which soul needs is retained and is available to the soul for the next birth. If the mind- soul connection is such that nothing is to be retained by the soul after the death, the soul does not have to go through any more births
Universal Mind All the information about the physical universe is stored in the higher realm A collection of all this information is often referred to as the Universal Mind The mind of a typical man does not have access to the Universal Mind, only its own storage The Universal Mind has to be accessed through the pure consciousness realm
Interactions among entities usually has side effects The side effects fall in the domain of KARMA THEORY Side effects are recorded as information For living beings the record is in the information associated with it
All components of creation are made of consciousness and energy Information – a virtual entity – plays the key role of “glue” at all levels Its mechanisms for representation and access in mental and pure consciousness regions are yet to be discovered