Richard D. Courtright, Ph.D. Gifted Education Research Specialist Duke University Talent Identification Program
LEARNING STYLES DEFINED: Style is the consistent, personal way by which people use their natural qualities and abilities to: define themselves and their personal efficacy; experience and relate to their world; encounter, assess and process infor- mation, and to create and produce.
I. Dunn & Dunn
II. Myers & Briggs II.
INTROVERSION (I) Preference for drawing energy from one’s internal world of ideas, emotions or impressions EXTROVERSION (E) Preference for drawing energy from the outside world of people, activities or things.. ENERGIZING Myers & Briggs ENERGIZING - orientation of energy
Myers & Briggs ATTENDING -- perception SENSING (S) Preference for taking in information through the five senses and noticing what is actual. INTUITION (N) Preference for taking in information through a “sixth sense” and noticing what might be.
Myers & Briggs DECIDING -- evaluation THINKING (T) Preference for organizing and structuring infor- mation to decide in a logical, objective way. FEELING (F) Preference for organizing and structuring infor- mation to decide in a personal, value-oriented way.
Myers & Briggs LIVING -- orientation to the outside world JUDGING (J) Preference for living a planned and organized life. PERCEIVING (P) Preference for living a spontaneous and flexible life.
Concrete Sequential POSITIVE n Practical n Down-to-Earth n Time-oriented n Fact/rule-driven n Derive information from the physical world n Hands-on NEGATIVE n Excessive conformity n “My way or the highway” n Unfeeling n By-the-book n Possessive n I’m going to kill you-- it’s for your own good CS
Abstract Random POSITIVE n Abstract feelers n Imaginative n Sensitive / “tuned in” n Open to the experiences of the moment NEGATIVE n “Space Cadet”/airheads n Overly emotional n Overly sensual n Smother lovers AR
Abstract Sequential POSITIVE n Deals well with concepts, theories, etc. n Flow-chart thinking n Future-oriented n Impartial, detached n Highly verbal NEGATIVE n Impractical dreamer n Absentmindedness n Withdrawn/reserved n Aloof n Polysyllabic verbiage n Resides in an “Ivory Tower” AS
Concrete Random POSITIVE n Inventive, looks for new possibilities n In the moment n The world is his/her oyster n Intellectual leaps n Build a better moustrap NEGATIVE n Bandwagoning n Abandon tasks before completion n Not as concerned about consequences n “Out of sight, out of mind” n Jumps to conclusions CR
Concrete Sequential INSTRUCTION n Hands-on, manipulatives n Workbooks n Data collection n Computer programming PRODUCTION n Time Line n Graph n Diorama n Model n Exhibit CS Learning Styles in the Classroom
Abstract Random INSTRUCTION n Interpretation n Explanation n Communication n Illustration n Peer Teaching PRODUCTION n Writing n Arts, Music n Interviews n Helping projects n Journal n Simulations AR Learning Styles in the Classroom
Abstract Sequential INSTRUCTION n Lectures, Texts n Content mastery n Extensive reading n Reporting n Conceptual problem- solving PRODUCTION n Debates n Documents n Theoretical models n Research n Lecture AS Learning Styles in the Classroom
Concrete Random INSTRUCTION n Open-ended n Exploration n Investigation n Experimentation n Options PRODUCTION n Invention n Editorial n Solutions n Games n Experiments CR Learning Styles in the Classroom
Thank you very much for your kind attention. Richard D. Courtright, Ph.D. Duke TIP (919)