Edgardo Greising MSIS 2013 – International Organizations Session
Objectives in data compilation: Highest response rate from the countries Minimum delay between compilation and publication Improved overall quality of the data published Avoid duplication of efforts Reduce the burden to data providers (countries). Using SDMX for Electronic Data Interchange is a way
What we need for EDI: Two parties An agreed protocol SDMX Good conceptual knowledge of that protocol i.e. SDMX Software tools to generate the SDMX data flows A database where to pull the data from Many data providers do not have a time series repository Others have the repository but no resources as to implement SDMX Supporting SDMX at the IO side is not enough
The data provider should have a tool that… Is very easy to install and maintain Is supported on free software platforms Counts with good documentation, tutorials, training Takes the table’s structure (cubes) by importing a DSD Has an integrated data discovery and visualization tool Has a full screen editor to enter/modify data and descriptive metadata (including footnotes) Provides different formats for downloading/uploading tables: Excel, csv format, pdf (reports) and SDMX Supports data dissemination thru web services and/or downloaded files
Some products that could work: CountryStat - FAO .Stat - OECD/SIS-CC Fusion toolsuite - Metadata Technology Ltd SDMX-RI – Eurostat (no data repository) SDMX-RI +Dataloader – Istat A different approach: Making “SDMX-enabled” common reporting tools used to compute and disseminate the indicators: Stata, SPSS, R, SAS Must include importing DSD What about descriptive metadata?
RequirementCountryStat.StatFusion ToolsuiteSDMX-RI SDMX-RI + Dataloader DeveloperFAOOECD – SIS-CC Metadata Technology EurostatIstat Governance/Deployment experienceYes NoYesNo Documentation, tutorials, trainingYes?? ? Multidimensional cubesNoYes Interactive cube structure definition?Yes Define cube structure by DSDNo Yes Data discovery & visualizationYes No Online data & metadata editorNo Descriptive metadata managementLimitedYes? ? SDMX exports/web servicesNoYes Other formats exportsYes Converter Commercial statusFreeCollab. Community$Free?
Different approach? Other suggestions of tools? What’s next?