1 IKI20210 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer Kuliah No. 23: Aritmatika 18 Desember 2002 Bobby Nazief Johny Moningka bahan kuliah: Sumber: 1. Hamacher. Computer Organization, ed Materi kuliah CS61C/2000 & CS152/1997, UCB.
2 Number Representation
3 Decimal vs. Hexadecimal vs.Binary Unsigned Numbers DecHexBinary A B C D E F1111 °Decimal: great for humans, especially when doing arithmetic °Hex: if human looking at long strings of binary numbers, its much easier to convert to hex and look 4 bits/symbol Terrible for arithmetic; just say no °Binary: what computers use; you learn how computers do +,-,*,/ To a computer, numbers always binary
4 How to Represent Negative Numbers? °So far, unsigned numbers °Obvious solution: define leftmost bit to be sign! 0 => +, 1 => - Rest of bits can be numerical value of number °Representation called sign and magnitude
5 Shortcomings of sign and magnitude? °Arithmetic circuit more complicated Special steps depending whether signs are the same or not °Also, Two zeros 0x = +0 ten 0x = -0 ten What would it mean for programming? °Sign and magnitude abandoned
6 Another try: complement the bits °Example: 7 10 = = °Called one’s Complement °Note: postive numbers have leading 0s, negative numbers have leadings 1s °What is ? °How many positive numbers in N bits? °How many negative ones?
7 Shortcomings of ones complement? °Arithmetic not too hard °Still two zeros 0x = +0 ten 0xFFFFFFFF = -0 ten What would it mean for programming? °One’s complement eventually abandoned because another solution was better
8 Search for Negative Number Representation °Obvious solution didn’t work, find another °What is result for unsigned numbers if tried to subtract large number from a small one? Would try to borrow from string of leading 0s, so result would have a string of leading 1s With no obvious better alternative, pick representation that made the hardware simple: leading 0s positive, leading 1s negative xxx is >=0, xxx is < 0 °This representation called two’s complement
9 Two’s Complement Number line °2 N-1 non-negatives °2 N-1 negatives °one zero °how many positives? °comparison? °overflow?
10 Two’s Complement Numbers two = 0 ten two = 1 ten two = 2 ten two = 2,147,483,645 ten two = 2,147,483,646 ten two = 2,147,483,647 ten two = –2,147,483,648 ten two = –2,147,483,647 ten two = –2,147,483,646 ten two =–3 ten two =–2 ten two =–1 ten °One zero, 1st bit => >=0 or <0, called sign bit but one negative with no positive –2,147,483,648 ten
11 Two’s Complement Formula °Can represent positive and negative numbers in terms of the bit value times a power of 2: d 31 x d 30 x d 2 x d 1 x d 0 x 2 0 °Example two = 1x x x x2 2 +0x2 1 +0x2 0 = = -2,147,483,648 ten + 2,147,483,644 ten = -4 ten °Note: need to specify width: we use 32 bits
12 Two’s complement shortcut: Negation °Invert every 0 to 1 and every 1 to 0, then add 1 to the result Sum of number and its one’s complement must be two two = -1 ten Let x’ mean the inverted representation of x Then x + x’ = -1 x + x’ + 1 = 0 x’ + 1 = -x °Example: -4 to +4 to -4 x : two x’: two +1: two ()’: two +1: two
13 Two’s comp. shortcut: Sign extension °Convert 2’s complement number using n bits to more than n bits °Simply replicate the most significant bit (sign bit) of smaller to fill new bits 2’s comp. positive number has infinite 0s 2’s comp. negative number has infinite 1s Bit representation hides leading bits; sign extension restores some of them 16-bit -4 ten to 32-bit: two two
14 Addition of Positive Numbers
15 One-Bit Full Adder (1/3) °Example Binary Addition: Carries °Thus for any bit of addition: The inputs are a i, b i, CarryIn i The outputs are Sum i, CarryOut i °Note: CarryIn i+1 = CarryOut i a: b: Sum:
16 One-Bit Full Adder (2/3) Definition Sum = ABC in + ABC in + ABC in + ABC in CarryOut = AB + AC in + BC in ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
17 One-Bit Full Adder (3/3) °To create one-bit full adder: implement gates for Sum implement gates for CarryOut connect all inputs with same name Sum A B CarryIn CarryOut +
18 Ripple-Carry Adders: adding n-bits numbers °Critical Path of n-bit Rippled-carry adder is n*CP CP = 2 gate-delays (C out = AB + AC in + BC in ) A0 B0 1-bit FA Sum0 CarryIn0 CarryOut0 A1 B1 1-bit FA Sum1 CarryIn1 CarryOut1 A2 B2 1-bit FA Sum2 CarryIn2 CarryOut2 A3 B3 1-bit FA Sum3 CarryIn3 CarryOut3
19 Overflow °Binary bit patterns above are simply representatives of numbers °Numbers really have an infinite number of digits with almost all being zero except for a few of the rightmost digits Just don’t normally show leading zeros °If result of add (or -,*/) cannot be represented by these rightmost HW bits, overflow is said to have occurred When CarryOut is generated from MSB
20 Fast Adders
21 Carry Look Ahead: reducing Carry Propagation delay A B S G P A B S G P A B S G P C1 = G0 + C0 P0 = A0 B0 + C0 (A0+B0) C2 = G1 + G0 P1 + C0 P0 P1 C3 = G2 + G1 P2 + G0 P1 P2 + C0 P0 P1 P2 G = G3 + P3·G2 + P3·P2·G1 + P3·P2·P1·G0 C4 =... P = P3·P2·P1·P0 ABC-out 000“kill” 01C-in“propagate” 10C-in“propagate” 111“generate” A0 B0B0 S0S0 G P P = A + B G = A B Cin
22 Carry Look Ahead: Delays °Expression for any carry: C i+1 = G i + P i G i-1 + … + P i P i-1 … P 0 C 0 °All carries can be obtained in 3 gate-delays: 1 needed to developed all P i and G i 2 needed in the AND-OR circuit °All sums can be obtained in 6 gate-delays: 3 needed to obtain carries 1 needed to invert carry 2 needed in the AND-OR circuit of Sum’s circuit °Independent of the number of bits (n) °4-bit Adder: CLA: 6 gate-delays RC: (3*2 + 3) gate-delays °16-bit Adder: CLA: 6 gate-delays RC: (15*2 + 3) gate-delays Sum = ABC in + ABC in + ABC in + ABC in ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
23 Cascaded CLA: overcoming Fan-in constraint CLACLA 4-bit Adder 4-bit Adder 4-bit Adder C1 = G0 + C0 P0 C2 = G1 + G0 P1 + C0 P0 P1 C3 = G2 + G1 P2 + G0 P1 P2 + C0 P0 P1 P2 G P G0 P0 C4 =... C0 Delay = = 8 Delay RC = 15*2 + 3 = 33
24 Signed Addition & Subtraction
25 Addition & Subtraction Operations °Addition: Just add the two numbers Ignore the Carry-out from MSB Result will be correct, provided there’s no overflow (+5) (+2) (+7) (+5) (-6) (-1) (-5) (-2) (-7) (+7) (-3) (+4) (+2) (+4) (-4) (-2) (-2) (-5) (+5) (+3) °Subtraction: Form 2’s complement of the subtrahend Add the two numbers as in Addition
26 Overflow °Examples: = 10 but... ° - 4 5 = - 9 but... 2’s ComplementBinaryDecimal Decimal – 6 – 4 – 5 7
27 Overflow Detection °Overflow: the result is too large (or too small) to represent properly Example: - 8 < = 4-bit binary number <= 7 °When adding operands with different signs, overflow cannot occur! °Overflow occurs when adding: 2 positive numbers and the sum is negative 2 negative numbers and the sum is positive °On your own: Prove you can detect overflow by: Carry into MSB ° Carry out of MSB – 6 –4 – 5 7 0
28 Overflow Detection Logic °Carry into MSB ° Carry out of MSB For a N-bit Adder: Overflow = CarryIn[N - 1] XOR CarryOut[N - 1] A0 B0 1-bit FA Result0 CarryIn0 CarryOut0 A1 B1 1-bit FA Result1 CarryIn1 CarryOut1 A2 B2 1-bit FA Result2 CarryIn2 A3 B3 1-bit FA Result3 CarryIn3 CarryOut3 Overflow XYX XOR Y