REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 “Regions for Economic Change” Michael Latsch DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR REGIONAL POLICY “Thematic coordination, innovation” Unit
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 What is ‘Regions for Economic Change’ (RfEC)? A new initiative, no new funding Implementation through two major networking programmes: interregional (INTERREG IVC), urban development (URBACT II) Core objectives: Addressing common issues together Creating a stronger link between exchange of good practices and mainstream funding programmes = capitalisation Four key elements: Thematic approach (30 themes) Communication Two-way bridge between networking and mainstream programmes ‘Fast track’ option (Commission support)
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March Themes covered across INTERREG IVC & Urbact II Programmes Attractive places to invest and work – adapting to a global economy, urban transport, sustainability issues; Knowledge and innovation for growth – RTDI, training researchers, ICT services and access; More and better jobs – innovation qualifications, entrepreneurial skills and supports, integrating migrants, youth and addressing demographic change; Territorial dimension – urban development, costal zones and the benefits of the sea, preventing flood, rural diversification.
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 What is ‘Regions for Economic Change’? Communication and Dissemination Yearly conferences RegioStars Awards Website Publications
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March RfEC Conference: Networking for Results Discuss how European regional policy and its instruments can help regions to learn from one another and translate network outputs into action through mainstream policy and programmes February e_en.cfm e_en.cfm Conference and proceedings brochure
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 RegioStars 2009 & RegioStars 2010 Objective: to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions 2009 RegioStars awarded on 16 February
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 RegioStars 2009 & RegioStars 2010 RegioStars 2010 categories: CityStar themes 1. Innovative use of brownfield sites in an urban context 2. The Integration of migrants or marginalised groups in urban areas ICT Themes 3. ICT applications for e-inclusion 4. ICT applications by or for SMEs 5. Broadband coverage in less developed regions or rural areas Information and Communication category 6. Websites offering quality information and showing the European added-value
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 Fast Track Networks As any other network, based on exchange: experience and ‘good practice’ Capitalisation of knowledge already available: tools, methods, approaches, management skills, thematic knowledge Focus on action: translation of ‘good practices’ into mainstream policies and programmes (esp. EU-funded ones) Active involvement of the Managing Authorities (MAs) of the relevant Operational Programme(s) Concrete deliverables (Action Plans), practical implementation with an eye to sustainability beyond the life of the network Support of the Commission services: DG Regional Policy and other DGs.
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 Fast Track label
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 Geographic distribution of FTNs
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 Approval and labelling of FTNs A process carried out in parallel to evaluation by JTS and financing decision of Committee. Assessment questions - available on the RfEC website – reflect the 4 objectives: –Priority theme and relevance for Cohesion Policy –Wider coverage and exchange of experience –2-way bridge –Transparency and communication Labelling by Commission services => Financing decision by Monitoring Committee
REGIONAL POLICY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17 March 2009 Thank you for your attention! Michael Latsch DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR REGIONAL POLICY “Thematic coordination, innovation” Unit Regions for Economic Change