Final Year Option Social Enterprise Unit Leader: Mike Bull
Time for change Social Enterprise is a new way of doing business ‘A business-like way of doing good’
Social enterprise This is not just business ‘as usual’ This is business with more than profit Socially Ethically and Morally driven and rapidly growing across the world
Do I know any Social Enterprises ?
Curriculum outline: The unit aims to provide a critical understanding of the concept of social enterprise The unit explores: Differences between social enterprise and other businesses in the public and private sectors Different types of social enterprises Theory and Practice Social Entrepreneurship – guest lectures from people that are involved in social enterprise Workshops – practical hands on skills for running a social enterprise Social enterprise
Teaching and learning strategies: Teaching will be carried out through a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops, complemented by guest speakers from people within social enterprises Lecture material will be enriched with practical examples drawn from a wide variety of sources including newspapers and journals The seminars and workshops will be aimed at practical application of theory. These methods will be supported by ICT where relevant Assessment strategies: SummativeFormative Business Report (Groupwork) 40% Examination 60% Individual preparation of materials Social enterprise
Core Texts Pearce, J., (2003) Social Enterprise in Anytown. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Social Enterprise Journal (on-line) Ridley-Duff and Bull (2011) Understanding Social Enterprise Theory and Practice. Sage. CREDIT VALUE20CREDITS AT LEVEL: 3 AMOUNT OF STUDENT EFFORT (HOURS) 200LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (HOURS) 48 UNIT STATUSElective PRE-REQUISITESNone CO-REQUISITESNone Social enterprise
Social Enterprise Mike Bull