Management Style refers to the behaviour and attitude of the manager. It is the manager’s way of doing things.
DescriptionManagement TELLS staff what decision it has made. Characteristics-Centralisation of power with management -All policy set my management -Little trust or faith in staff -Rigid setting of work organisation by management -Perception that orders are to be carried out without question -One way communication Advantages-Directions and procedures are clearly defined -Employees roles and expectations are set out so management can monitor performance -Decision making and problem solving is generally performed quickly as there is no consultation -Communication is generally clear Disadvantages-No employee input means that ideas, skills, experience and initiative not utilised -Morale may be low due to lack of trust and two way communication
DescriptionManagement SELLS staff what decision it has made. Characteristics-Centralisation of power with management -All policy set my management -Setting of work organisation by management -Presentation of selected information to staff -Encouraging commitment from staff by highlighting positive information -One way communication Advantages-Managers can gain some trust and support through persuasion -Communication (instructions and explanations) remain clear and constant -Decision making and problem solving is generally performed quickly as there is no consultation Disadvantages-No employee input means that ideas, skills, experience and initiative not utilised -Morale may be low due to lack of trust and two way communication
DescriptionManagement CONSULTS staff before making decisions Characteristics-Decision making maintained by management but considers staff opinions -Two way communication -Clear, ongoing communication and encouragement of group discussion allowing for feedback -Regular contact between management and employees Advantages-Management/staff relationship strong -Job satisfaction high when employees feel part of the decision making process -Staff feel some ownership over decision -Employee skills, experience, ideas utilised -The ‘right’ people are involved in decision which affect them -Positive culture Disadvantages-Time consuming -Some issues are not suitable for discussion with all employees -Resentment or conflict may occur when a suggestion is ignored.
DescriptionManagement JOINS with staff to make a group decision Characteristics-Decision making shared between management and employees -Two way communication -Clear, ongoing communication and encouragement of group discussion allowing for feedback -Regular contact between management and employees -Teamwork encouraged Advantages-Management/staff relationship strong -Job satisfaction high when employees feel part of the decision making process -Staff feel ownership over decision -Employee skills, experience, ideas utilised -The ‘right’ people are involved in decision which affect them -Positive culture established Disadvantages-Time consuming -Some issues are not suitable for discussion with all employees -Resentment or conflict may occur when a suggestion is ignored.
DescriptionEmployees assume total responsibility for, and control of, workplace operations. Characteristics-Managers set objectives and deadlines then let employees find ways of achieving them -Management act more as a support for employees than a boss Advantages-Employees feel highly trusted -Employees are free to explore their own avenues and creativity which may lead to a relaxed culture and innovation -Employees have high job satisfaction as they have responsibility Disadvantages-Lack of task orientation, productivity and direction -Employees receive little or no leadership and may not respect management -Easy for employees to slack off -Lack of accountability for managers
Highly effective managers change styles depending on the situation. Another name for this approach is contingency management theory. There is no one best style, except the one chosen appropriately and which contributes to the organisation achieving its objectives.