Ch. 9 The Principalship Today Presented by: Jackie Leedy- Chamberlain Professor: Dr. Lauren Larsen ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNANCE OF AMERICAN EDUCATION
Overview This chapter will examine the historical development of the principals’ role in education. We will also examine the obstacles and opportunities that challenge school principals in present day America. Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
History of the Principal’s Role Ch. 9 The Principalship Today In the late19 th century, the principals’ role had expanded from being “principal-teacher” to include management of curriculum and supervision of instruction. Then Frederick Taylor’s concepts of scientific management and bureaucratic leadership emerged, causing the principal’s primary role to shift more as an administrator with top-down bureaucratic control. 19 th CenturyEarly 20 th Century
Early Twentieth Century Changes Civil Rights Movement Vietnam Watergate Ch. 9 The Principalship Today Destabilized society brought demand for public education mandates
Ch. 9 The Principalship Today A Nation At Risk ratcheted up pressure on school principals to provide gains in student performance No Child Left Behind dramatically increased pressure and expanded and transformed the role of the principal. So, who comprise the principals today?
Ch. 9 The Principalship Today Median age about 3 years older than a decade ago Up-and-coming principals are increasingly female and composed of racial and ethnic minorities Female Racial & Ethnic Minority Percentage Figure 9.1/ p.188
How Principals See Their Jobs Increased Workload Federal, state and local law and policy, parent and community demands, and “ubiquitous technology have stormed the walls of the schools.” Majority of principals seem overwhelmed. Frustrations & Decreased Effectiveness Politics and bureaucracy as well as workplace conditions contributing factor. Majority feel that more responsibility is causing less effectiveness Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
How Principals See Their Job, cont. Mixed Feelings about NCLB Committed to standards & improving students learning; however, AYP causing “diversity penalty.” Increased Stress Expanded load leaving principals fatigued and forced to compromise priorities in personal lives. Increased accountability causing more stress. The Brighter Side Ch. 9 The Principalship Today Aside from complaints, most still express positive attitude about job.
The Role Today LeadershipManagement Politics -Agenda Setting -Networking -Bargaining and Negotiating Organizational Culture -Michael Fullan Argues for reculturing the school organization. Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
The Role Today, cont. Person in the Middle Principals often in the middle of state and district policy makers, parents, and students. Realities of School Leadership - Obstacles 1. Lack of time with teachers and others. 2. Teacher autonomy 3. Teacher expectations for leadership that differ from external expectations 4. Traditional structure of the role Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
The Role of the Future Key to Change -According to analysis of 69 studies involving almost 3,000 schools, there was a correlation between leadership behavior and average student achievement. Responses to Dealing with the Shortage 1. Changing labor market conditions to create larger pool of candidates (e.g., higher salary, incentives for teachers) 2. Splitting the position between leadership and management duties, (e.g. job sharing) 3. Redefining the nature of the role to make it more attractive. Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
The Role of the Future, cont. Definitions of leadership have been debated between several researchers; Elmore argues to de- romantacize the meaning, focus on instruction rather than illusory all-powerful personality. Limitations of the Heroic Model of Leadership Leadership needs to be distributed throughout the organization rather than a top-down bureaucratic approach. (Read pg. 202) 5 principles. Donaldson (2001) thinks they should establish a collective relationship among faculty, staff and self. A Distributed Leadership Model/3 Stream Model In results-oriented world, principals must hold some accountability which allows for collective leadership that incorporates student learning as a priority. Accountability Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
Preparation of School Leaders As the role of principal is evolving, so must training. Leadership training should foster and strengthen commitment to core learning, social, and community values. Standards should be strengthened. Field experience should also be linked with course work. Ch. 9 The Principalship Today
Conclusion/Summary In summary, the role of principal in the American education system has grown and evolved over the last 150 years and continues to grow with new legislation and the advent of new and strengthened research. However, it is clear that there is still no perfect recipe or formula for guaranteed success of a principal. Ch. 9 The Principalship Today