“When the rich wage war it is the poor who die.” John-Paul Sartre
Jeremy Sachs estimated that the cost of ending world poverty would be about £107bn per year. That would provide food and water, clothing, education and shelter for all.
In World War 2 around 60million died (about the same as the population of the UK today).
Comparing Spending on Education and Military in the and US in 2009 UKUS Military / Defence £41bn£315bn Education £83bn£27bn War in £1 trillion (estimate £80bn) War in (extra cost) £37bn
Military spending per person in each of these countries per year USA£1310 UK£575 Germany£340 China£45
RankCountrySpending ($ Billion.) [3] [3] World share (%) World total1, United States People's Republic of China xPeople's Republic of China x Russia xRussia x United Kingdom Japan France Saudi Arabia ySaudi Arabia y India Germany xGermany x Italy xItaly x Brazil South Korea Australia Canada xCanada x
What might have just happened? How might they be feeling right now? What might happen next? What might they be feeling in a year’s time?
What might have just happened? How might they be feeling right now? What might happen next? What might they be feeling in a year’s time?
What might have just happened? How might they be feeling right now? What might happen next? What might they be feeling in a year’s time?
What might have just happened? How might they be feeling right now? What might they be feeling in a year’s time? What might happen next?
What might have just happened? How might they be feeling right now? What might happen next? What might they be feeling in a year’s time?
Muhammad Ali was a boxer who lost all of his world titles because he refused to fight in the Vietnam War.
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.
Fighting in war can protect innocent people. For example, WWII and the Holocaust.
Sometimes force is necessary to remove a dictator.