Ch. 7: Interest Groups & Political Parties
Interest groups Goal: seek to influence decisions of govt Inspired by social movements More factions in decentralized gov’t Federal Regulation Lobbying Act – register names; file financial reports
Benefits Solidary Material Purposive Public Interest
Types Economic Environmental Public Interest Special Interest Foreign Govts
Strategies to achieve goal: Jobs after leave – revolving door Supply Info – lobbyists, lobbying, political parties, politicians, grassroots PACs -$5000 per candidate -no limit on party campaign
? People whose interests need to be met the most don’t have the time or energy to join interest groups. Which group in society has the time and energy?
Political Parties Goal: to elect candidate & run the govt Weak Interest groups
Operations National Conventions National Committees State & Local Parties -pol. machine -ideology -solidary groups -sponsored parties -personal following
Functions Recruit candidates Run elections Give unified choice Run gov’t Oppose “power party”; give alternate choice
Launch a candidate Key items: positive or negative simple or broad come out swinging or build to crescendo TV, radio pol. party platform or on own coattail effect front-loading
2-party vs. multi-party system Electoral Laws –Single member districts –Winner take all –Electoral college –Presidency is the prize Minor Parties