The Rise and Role of Interest Groups Linkage Institutions #5
The Primary Goal of Interest Groups An interest group is an organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence public policy Organization: Interest Groups are organized. There is a structure with a heirarchy. Common Interest: Interest Groups can have one narrow interest (NRA) or a broader range (Sierra Club). Influence Public Policy: Interest Groups attempt to get the government to pass (or not pass) laws that impact their interests.
Factors That Promote Interest Groups Size and Diversity of the Country Decentralized Power Number of Nonprofit Organizations Increasing Weakness of Parties Variety of Ethnic Groups Diversity of Religious Groups Separation of Powers Federalism
Why such growth? Broad Economic Developments Create New Interests and Redefine Old Interests – Farmers became politically active – Mass-Production Industries lead to unions Government Policy – Wars create Veterans who demand benefits Strong Leaders in Social Movements – Religious Revival (1830s) Civil Rights (1960s) Expanding Role of Government – Public Interest Lobbies as government involves itself in more areas.
Types of Interest Groups Institutional Interests Individuals or Organizations representing other organizations Business Firms: General Motors Trade or Governmental Associations Focus on issues of central concern to clients Membership Interests Groups supported by the individual members Americans are just as likely as the British to join social, business, professional, veterans, or charitable groups. Less likely to join unions More likely to join religious, political, or civic groups due to greater sense of political efficacy
Why Join Interest Groups (Incentives) All interest groups deal with the Free Rider problem. – Free riders are persons in the general public who benefit from the efforts without joining the organization (no financial or membership effort) Reasons – Solidary Incentives (Companionship) – Material Incentives (Benefits) – Purposive Incentives (Goals)
Impact of Staff The staff influences the group’s policy agenda if the solidary or material benefits are more important to the members than the purposive goals. Staff opinions may be quite different from members’ opinions (Teacher’s Unions?)
Social Movements/Interest Groups Social Movement: A widely shared demand for change in the social or political order. Can be liberal or conservative. Tea Party: Began as a focus on restraining government growth
The Environmental Movement A social movement can increase the value some people attach to purposive incentives The Environmental Movement highlights general lessons about social movemements – Movement can spawn numerous organizations – More extreme organizations will be smaller and more activist – More moderate organizations will be larger and less activist – Overtime the movement has been fragmented with differing approaches splitting the focus of the movement.
The Feminist Movement Highlights various types of Interest Groups – Solidary (LWV, Business and Professional Women’s Federation) Middle-class educated women Avoid issues that divide membership or limit access (partisanship, abortion) – Purposive (NOW, NARAL) Highly activist organization that takes strong positions on divisive issues Internal controversy is common Local organizations independent from national group – Material (Women’s Equality Action League) Addresses specific issues of material benefit (Equal Pay)
Funding for Interest Groups Foundation Grants Government Grants Direct-mail solicitation of members On-line appeals and donations
Parties and Interest Groups Both are linkage institutions (links average citizen with government activities) But differ in fundamental goals – Parties: Elect members to government – Interest Groups: Influence policy of government Interest Groups can often work as a support system to help parties achieve their goals
Parties and Interest Groups Interest Groups can support parties through… Monetary Contributions Mobilization of Voters Media Campaigns Providing Information Independent Expenditures Endorsement of Candidates
Spending in the 2012 Election
NOTE: The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
Spending in the 2012 Election
Interest Group Tactics Insider Strategy Providing Information Earmarks in Legislation Litigation Money and PACs Outsider Strategy Grassroots mobilization Civil Disobedience
Providing Information The single most important tactic of Interest Groups is supplying credible information to legislators Detailed, current information at a premium and can build or destroy a legislator-lobbyist relationship Most effective on narrow, technical issues Often presented in briefings, papers, or Congressional Hearings
Earmarks in Legislation Lobbyists use the exchange of information to convince members of Congress to draft special provisions in legislation to benefit their clients, called Earmarks Types of Earmarks – Contracts – Tax Exemption/Loopholes – Exemption from Regulations
Litigation (Using the Courts) Bringing a Law Suit – When issues include “rights” held by citizens court cases are often brought up (Brown v. Board of Education by NAACP) – Used often when a group does not have “access to legislators” or strong popular support – Sets a precedent that lasts beyond that case. Amicus Curare briefs – Means “friend of court” – Submit written legal arguments to the Court during cases that concern the interest.
PACs and Money Political Action Committees (PACs) – Organizations created by business firms, labor unions, trade associations, ideological groups, and interest groups – Goal is to provide campaign contributions to candidates – Although regulated as of 2009 there were 4,611 PACs operating
PACs and Money Money is the least effective way to influence politicians – Due to growth in PACs more overall money available on all sides of the issues. – Politicians establish their own PACs to advance their cause. – Have largest chance of influence when issue is of little concern to voters ½ of PACs sponsored by corporations, 1/10 of PACs sponsored by unions. PACs tend to support incumbents
Grassroots Mobilization Although insider strategies more common there is a larger use of outsider strategy – Congress members more individualistic – Modern Technology makes it easier Politicians dislike controversy so work with interest groups they agree with Interest Groups target “undecided” legislators and/or legislators in marginal districts Some groups attack their likely allies to embarrass them “Voter Guides” given to members of interest group
Civil Disobedience Tactics have been used more frequently since 1960s Generally more accepted Goals – Disrupt institution and force negotiations – Enlist the support of others – Create martyrs to draw public support
Who uses the various tactics? Providing Information: All Interest Groups who have access to government. More effective on technical issues. Earmarks: Interest Groups with access to government Often done on technical issues that voters have little information or concern for. Litigation- Issues in which rights are involved. Groups that have little public support and/or little access to government. Campaign Contributions: Groups that have large financial resources. Grassroots Mobilization: Groups that may have less financial means but have large numbers of members.
Regulation of Interest Groups Protected by 1 st Amendment Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act (1946) – Accomplished little – Restricted to only direct contact with members of Congress – Grassroots activity not restricted – No staff to enforce law
Regulation of Interest Groups 2005 Reform Act – Requires All Registered Lobbyists to report the following twice a year The names of their clients Their income and expenditures Issues on which they worked – No reform of grassroots organizations – No enforcement agency, but Justice Department can investigate – Tax-exempt, nonprofits cannot receive federal grants if they lobby (Churches, etc.)
Regulation of Interest Groups 2007 Reforms – No gifts of any value allowed from registered lobbyists or firms that employ them – No reimbursement for travel costs from registered lobbyists or firms that employ them – No reimbursement for travel costs from any source if trip is organizes or requested by registered lobbyists or firms that employ them