Three Internet Medias Lauren Castiglioni CSC /31/06
Podcast Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files (audio or video programs) over the internet. I can use podcasts on my mp3 player and I can listen to any topic I want: sports, movies, music, and tv shows at anytime.
Blog Blogs are online diaries or journals that are published on the worldwide web Blogs are easy to use on the web, helps me interact with people, I am able to write down all my thoughts, and I am able to insert my photos too!
Wiki Wikies is a type of software used by Wikipedia. It allows visitors to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change its content. I always go to wikipedia about any topic because there is always a lot of information. It is also the simpliest online database that is easy to work.
RSS RSS is a family of web feed formats e-into-xml.html e-into-xml.html e-into-xml.html I can look up many topics like: top news, politics, and business.