LaQuSo is an activity of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven SQuAVisiT: A Software Quality Assessment and Visualisation Toolset Serguei Roubtsov, Alex Telea, Danny Holten
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 2/8 Case study Case Study: ‘Rekenmachine’ An information system of a large insurance company: A middle layer COBOL application MicroFocus 4.1 COBOL runtime Maestro II development environment (2827 COBOL modules, ~1700 KLOCs) supports both online requests and batch execution AIX 4.3 operating system Oracle8i database: 800 tables,30 GB
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 3/8 Case study Goals Maintenance: assess quality of the ‘Rekenmachine’ source code in order to identify weak spots Migration: identify the possibilities for code or/and architecture reuse during possible migration to a new platform
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 4/8 Case study Means Quality metrics: system’s maintainability Code duplication detection: restructuring & reuse of code Software structure: restructuring & reuse of architecture
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 5/8 Case study Means Automatically extract software structure and quality metrics and visualize them Parsing and automated fact extraction Visualisation using a set of third-party tools
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 6/8 Case study Toolset A toolset that would: parse source code automatically (~2800 modules, ~1.7 MLOCs) calculate quality metrics and produce inputs for visualisation tools allow the user to reproduce the entire cycle (e.g. after new release) be reusable for other code analysis projects, other languages
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 7/8 Case study SQuAVisiT: Sw Quality Assessment & Visualisation Toolset Extravis TU/e Code Repository Matrix View TU/e Table Vision TU/e Preprocessor A&V Repository *.cob LOC metrics *.cob Complexity metrics Parser & Metric Counter Fact extractors GUI & Control *.prg Call info CCFinder Toshihiro Kamiya Metrics & call files Artifacts: metrics& structural data Converters Artifacts’ DB
SCAM 2007 Paris 1/10/2007 Goals&Means Demo Toolset 8/8 Case study Demo Run SQuAVisiT