will complete training as RN at SOTC and maintain a 2.0. Will perform job search and job placement activities and maintain employment for a minimum of 90 days on a successful level. will learn how to travel from her home to her place of employment will work at daycare, daily, being on time. will take classes for college entrance with 100% accuracy. will be able to fill out a job application with 90% accuracy. What Are These? Jane …..
enroll at the University of Oklahoma in the nursing program upon graduation from the local Votech LPN program. will complete the LPN program at the local Votech to prepare for post high school employment. will be able to make correct change for a bus ride to work. will make change from the tens places (i.e., $10, $20, $30, $40, etc.) 9 out of 10 times. will demonstrate proper hand washing skills 9 out of 10 times. would like to attend a 2-year college and obtain gainful employment.
What Are These? Jane ….. will earn a passing grade in all required classes necessary for H.S. diploma. will job shadow at SOTC in the field of culinary arts. will use the Internet to determine rental cost for apartments in the Dallas area. will enroll in SOTC Pass program in Ardmore, OK. would like to pursue training as a nursing assistant. will live in an apartment independently. will find employment that suits her interests.
What Are These? Jane ….. will complete application package to college of her choice. will participate with DRS school to work program to develop work skills. will complete driver’s ed. Training and obtain driver’s license. will enroll at the technology center to acquire training as a nail technician. will work at a nail salon. will live in an apartment with assistance with money management. will attend Career Tech for Child Care; upon completion of course work, she will work for Early Rise Child Care Center.
What Are These? Jane ….. will make a shopping list for gorceries and to Wal- Mart to purchase them. will go to Votech to take child care training. will go to 3 day care centers and apply for after school jobs.. will pick up applications for apartments and fill out. will take a tour of the local Vo-tech this spring and enroll by next fall for classes.
What Are These? Jane ….. will go to three businesses, pick up applications, fill out applications, and apply for a job. will correctly sort laundry, 90% of the time. will attend ILSC. will work full time at a local beauty shop. will complete the office aid training program and learn at 80% proficiency in all areas. will develop a career plan with 80% accuracy.