FLAT UI James Marquis
What is Flat UI? Design theme for Bootstrap Minimalistic approach to design Uses bright colors, flat illustrations, clean space, and crisp edges Meant to contrast skeuomorphism used by Apple
Well, what’s skeuomorphism? “A derivative object that retains ornamental design cues from structures that were necessary in the original”
Elements of Flat Design Bright and contrasting colors No beveled edges, gradients, shadows, or reflections More focus on functionality Meant to “play to the strengths of a digital interface, rather than limiting the user to the confines of the familiar analog world.”
Examples of Flat UI Windows 8 Interface Windows 8 Interface
Questions What are the differences (in theory and practice) between flat design and skeuomorphism? What is one of the easier ways of achieving flat design? What was one of the first major uses of flat design?
Answers Skeuomorphism focuses on the familiar, making users feel more at home with what they are using (a bookcase app appearing like wood, keyboards with the nubs on f and j, etc.). Flat design is about the information, getting rid of the “outside noise” caused by skeuomorphism The Flat UI design template for Bootstrap Microsoft with the Windows 8 interface