MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 1 Highlights on MICE
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 NEWS 1Italian participation: Approval in principle of TOF construction and MUCAL subject to a number of succesful milestones including -- a prototype test in Frascati spring 06 and -- a justification of TOF2 -- the schedule to arrive with TOF0, TOF1 in spring 2007 is tight but OK -- the schedule for MUCAL in spring 2007 is very tight. -- the schedule to arrive with TOF2 in october 2007 is OK 2. Bulgaria collaborators are funded by CH-Bulgaria agreement -- started working on detectors read-out electronics 3. US NFMCC funding was approved by MCOG – confirms MICE funding priorities, in particular secures funding for spectrometer solenoids. Additional funding would bring step3 forward. Procurement of cable is now first priority. Coupling coil still an issue. (see discussion on Phase II by Ken L.)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 3 4. DAQ group started – working hard to reading close to 600 events in 1ms 5. Analysis group started 6. MICE started purchasing big items (cooling plant for Psi solenoid, for instance) 7. design and safety reviews are progressing (H2 safety Monday 21st Nov. 2005) 8. KEK tracker test successful! MHz cavity prototype had some delay (vaccum leak -- fixed) should be on the floor at MTA mid-January 10. funding request for Swiss coupling coil was submitted. Chances of success are unclear.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 4 at this point MICE (PhaseI) is an approved and funded project in 6 countries -- UK: 9.7M£ (phase I) PhaseII request and RF programme being prepared. -- USA: funding from the NFMCC (DOE baseline scenario 4.125M$) +RF source + NSF grant 300k$ + MRI grant 750k$. -- Japan: US-Japan ~$100k/yr, UK-Japan (travel funds) (+ 1M$ requested) -- Switzerland: PSI solenoid + Uni-Geneva-NSwissF (80KCHF/yr)+ 1 PDA+1PhDS pending requests: Coupling coil, CERN RF -- Netherlands: Mag probes (in production!) + 1 PhDS -- Italy (TOF, Calorimeter) Summary:
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 5 -- KEK tracker test: went very well.CONGRATULATIONS! Following this, new priorities will need to be set for the group, choice between further test beam or construction of final system. The decision will somewhat depend on the results of test beam analysis themselves. * -- TOF: Bonesini and Chimenti presented to collaboration a clear description of the milestones they have in front of them for TOF and calorimeter (invite collaborators to help in the test beam!) comment: TOF0 AND TOF1 are both necessary in step I, although it could be argued that this can be slightly stepped (TOF0 first -- calibration, then TOF1, calibration, then measurements TOF1-TOF0) June 2007 good, end 2007 notOK. -- TOF2 justification: Yagmur Torun and analysis forum to organize work and discussion in view of holding a good discussion on this point in the collaboration meeting in Japan (March) -- DAQ: 600 muons per 1ms spill is difficult to achieve for the read-out electronics. We have to understand what are the real capabilities of the Scifi, TOF, calorimeter or Cherenkov read-out electronics. (discussions on-going) This is intimately linked to the running plan and will be addressed at the collaboration meeting in the same session.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 6 Tracker: four-station prototype test at KEK
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 7 - STEP I: April 2007 = 525 days away! STEP II: October 2007 PHASE I Where do we stand in our preparations for Steps I and II. -- beam line: target, optics, tuning and correction abilities, diffuser, generate all -- TOF, Cherenkov(s), MUCAL -- spectrometer solenoid -- tracker -- installation and cabling -- trigger -- controls and monitoring -- DAQ and event processing -- software: particle ID, reconstruction of tracks -- analysis: form run plan, reconstruction of « beam», emittance, transmission
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 8 1. The collaboration is making excellent progress in all fronts. Manpower is never in excess (simulations and optics, electronics, beam line, engineering support…) 2. The funding for phase I is essentially complete only Cherenkov II remains a question. 3. The funding for phase II is being prepared. We have a baseline solution for MICE up to step V but it will be late. Work is needed to assure that step VI can be performed in good time for the decision making-year 2010.