Class 8. Oceans Figure: Ocean Depth (mean = 3.7 km) bounded by continents deep: difficult to make observations Figure: Ocean Depth (mean = 3.7 km)
Ship-measurements Only a limited area covered bounded by continents deep: difficult to make observations Only a limited area covered
SST from buoys drifter: can freely drift moored: anchor
Ocean Surface Temperature from Remote Sensing (NOAA) -2.0 34.2 0C 16.1 cold water sinks warm - maximum insolation - albedo of water ~ 7% cold water sinks strong gradient towards the poles some structures: green cold tongue off the coast of california, Peru source NOAA
Ocean Surface Salinity Prep>Evap Evap>Prep strong gradient towards the poles some structures: green cold tongue off the coast of california, Peru
ARGO: profiling the interior of the ocean (up to z=-2000 m) drifter: can freely drift moored: anchor
ARGO: profiling the interior of the ocean (up to z=-2000 m) drifter: can freely drift moored: anchor Data products: Temperature, salinity and density
Zonal average temperature in deep ocean warm salty stratified lens of fluid abyss z>1000 m homogeneous mass of very cold water
Schematic of vertical structure convection in the upper layer causes a vertically well mixed layer strong vertical temperature gradient defines the thermocline note: analogy to thermal inversion in the atmosphere very cold water present below z<1000 m
Thermal expansion: Sea-level transgression scenarios for Bangladesh
Density (anomaly s), Temperature and Salinity higher density salty water has a higher density fresh water show dip in density Fig. 9.2: Contours of seawater density anomalies (s=r-rref in kg/m3) rref = 1000 kg/m3 PSU = Practical Salinity Unit ≈ g/kg grams of salt per kg of solution
Simplified equation of state (defined with respect to s0(T0,S0))
Simplified equation of state (defined with respect to s0(T0,S0))
Schematic of vertical structure tendency due to radiative heating T = temperature F = heat flux (Wm-2) rw = density of water cw = heat capacity of water μ
1000 depth (m) cold water - deep convection cold water upwelling 900S 900N 00 latitude
P>E P<E 1000 depth (m) 900S 900N 00 latitude Low salinity if precipitation (P) exceeds evaporation (E)
Thermohaline circulation arctic sea ice
Sea level height
Which balances do apply in the ocean? Hydrostatic balance -> yes Geostrophic balance? Thermal "wind"? Ekman pumping/suction?
Rossby and Reynolds number in the ocean Far away from the equator, e.g. latitude = 400, North-South length scale L = 2000 km (east-west larger) Velocity scale U = 0.1 m/s
Pressure in the ocean mean density in water column high pressure low pressure geef eventueel dp/dz
Which sea level tilt is needed to explain U=0.1 m/s? werk uit op bord Example 1: assume density is constant
Geostrophic flow at depth Example 2: assume density is NOT constant, but varies in the x,y directions => r(x,y)=rref+s(x,y) 1000 depth (m) 900S 900N 00 latitude 23 24 25 26 26.5 27 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
Estimating the geostrophic wind from the density field: The dynamic method This method allows for assessing geostrophic velocities relative to some reference level One can assume that at a "sufficiently" deep height ug=0 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
Geostrophic flow at depth z Example 3: I) assume density is NOT constant, but varies in the x,y directions => r(x,y)=rref+s(x,y) II) surface height is NOT constant 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
Geostrophic flow Example 1: In the ocean geostrophic flow applies (not too close to equator) Pressure induced by surface height variations η Example 2: Horizontal density gradients cause a vertical change in the geostrophic flow velocity ("thermal" wind) Example 3: In principle both height and density variations may apply 1: p184, above 9-11 2: 7-16 3:
Determining the ocean flow from floating plastic ducks? 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
1000 depth (m) cold water - deep convection cold water upwelling 900S 900N 00 latitude
Ekman pumping/suction 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
Wind-driven ocean flow Equations with wind-stress
Wind-driven ocean flow Equations with wind-stress Split velocity in geostrophic ('g') and ageostrophic parts ('ag') e.g.
Ekman transport
Ekman pumping (downwards)/suction X wind into the screen
Ekman pumping (downwards)/suction elevated sea level height in convergence area tropics midlatitudes
Ekman pumping/suction due to wind stress 1. Taylor Proudman 2. Thermal wind
Ekman pumping/suction Explanation mass conservation
Ekman pumping/suction Explanation 1. we do not assume that f is constant, but f=f(y) 2. variations in wind stress are much larger than in f
Ekman pumping/suction Example = 32 m/year
Ekman pumping/suction from wind stress climatology downward upward f=0