PC131/PC151 MECHANICS Dr. Brian West Enrolling in WebAssign (complete this by Sept 26) note: the screencaps on the following slides are from fall 2009…they may look slightly different now
What is WebAssign? WebAssign is an online tool for managing assignments and communications in PC131/PC151. WebAssign is an online tool for managing assignments and communications in PC131/PC151. WebAssign is the sole method of submitting the weekly assignments. Its use is mandatory, so start learning it ASAP! WebAssign is the sole method of submitting the weekly assignments. Its use is mandatory, so start learning it ASAP! Benefits: Instant feedback, instant grading, “hints,” paper reduction. Benefits: Instant feedback, instant grading, “hints,” paper reduction.
How to Self-Enroll in WebAssign Please go to the login page at Please go to the login page at Your Class Key is: wilfrid (PC131) Your Class Key is: wilfrid (PC131) wilfrid (PC151) wilfrid (PC151) (you only need to enter this code once)
Click the I have a Class Key button CLICK HERE
Enter and Submit the Class Key wilfrid or wilfrid
Verify Class Information If the correct course and section is not listed, check with your instructor. If the correct course and section is not listed, check with your instructor. Make sure you’ve registered for the correct course!
Create a New Account or Use Your Existing One To create an account, select the first button and click Continue. Do this the first time you register To create an account, select the first button and click Continue. Do this the first time you register To use an existing account, select the second button and log in using your login information. To use an existing account, select the second button and log in using your login information.
For New Accounts, Enter Your Information You are free to choose any Username and Password that you wish. Your first and last name must be identical to those found on your LORIS file. Your student ID number IS MANDATORY. It is imperative that you not give out your password to anyone else. Otherwise, they will have the ability to hand in assignments in your name. this will already be filled out as “wilfrid”
After clicking a confirmation page displays. After clicking a confirmation page displays. Remember what you entered as your username and password. Remember what you entered as your username and password. Click Click Be Sure to Remember Your Login! Remember this information…it is required every time you log in to WebAssign
After logging in you may see a notice that includes Grace Period information and payment options. You can You can register a code number if you have an Access Code card register a code number if you have an Access Code card -or- -or- you can buy an Access Code online with a credit card. you can buy an Access Code online with a credit card. After the Grace Period (Sept 26) you will see the payment options and not be able to continue without entering an Access Code. After the Grace Period (Sept 26) you will see the payment options and not be able to continue without entering an Access Code. If you purchased the required textbook (Halliday, Resnick, and Walker) at the bookstore, it contains an access code. If you did not purchase the text, or if you purchased it from another supplier, you will need to purchase an access code online. How do I Pay for WebAssign?
Payment / Code Registration Screen Monday, Sept. 26
Your access code card will look like this or this What does an Access Code Look Like ?
After logging in, click the My Options link in the upper right corner. After logging in, click the My Options link in the upper right corner. Fill in your new Password then re-enter for confirmation. Fill in your new Password then re-enter for confirmation. Fill in your old Password where requested in the lower left corner. Fill in your old Password where requested in the lower left corner. Be sure to add an address if none is listed. Be sure to add an address if none is listed. Click Save. Click Save. How do I Reset My Password?
If you know your username, institution code and the address on file for your account, you can request to reset your password from the login page. If you know your username, institution code and the address on file for your account, you can request to reset your password from the login page. Otherwise you will need to ask your instructor to reset your password. To do this, bring photo ID to N2076J. Otherwise you will need to ask your instructor to reset your password. To do this, bring photo ID to N2076J. What if I Forget My Password?
Links to the WebAssign Student Guide are available on your login page and after logging in. Please read over the guide so you are familiar with: Links to the WebAssign Student Guide are available on your login page and after logging in. Please read over the guide so you are familiar with: How to access and open assignments How to access and open assignments How to submit answers to various types of questions How to submit answers to various types of questions How to ask your teacher for help How to ask your teacher for help How to view scores and grades How to view scores and grades How to find additional available resources How to find additional available resources Student Guide
Need Additional Help ? Phone support: (800) :00 am - 8:00 pm ET Mon-Fri 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm ET Sun support: 8:00 am - 11:00 pm ET Mon-Fri 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET Sat 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm ET Sun Please note that these support lines exist to answer your questions about the WebAssign system. Questions about the material in PC131/PC151 should be directed to the instructor.
PC131/PC151 – Assignment Grading The following rules apply to all assignment questions in PC131/PC151: You may submit your answer to a single question, or a part of a single question, at any time. You may log out and log in again whenever you wish. As long as your answers are all submitted before the deadline, your marks will be counted. For most assignment problems, you will need to work out the solutions on pencil and paper before entering your answers. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE, you have a maximum of five attempts to solve any question part. If your answer is correct on the 1 st or 2 nd attempt, you receive 100% of the possible marks for that question. If your answer is correct on the 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th,or 6 th attempt, you receive 80%, 60%, 40%, or 20%, respectively. Sometimes, after one or two failed attempts, a PRACTICE PROBLEM will be offered. This consists of the same problem, but with different numerical values. The practice problem is not graded, and you have as many attempts as you wish in order to solve it.
The following rules apply to all assignment questions in PC131/PC151: A syntax error in a submitted answer does not count as an attempt. Neither does a submission that is identical to the previous one. Numerical values shown in red are randomly generated for each student. For these questions, a correct answer for your classmate is not a correct answer for you! Also, keep this in mind when consulting the answers at the back of the textbook. WebAssign permits a degree of tolerance in your solutions, either as a percentage of the correct answer (usually about ± 1%) or as a difference in the least significant digit (± 1). I generally enforce the percentage tolerance, since WebAssign sometimes doesn’t do a very good job in determining the correct number of significant digits. To ensure that you are within ± 1%, enter your answers with 4 digits. Answers will become visible after the due date. It is the sole responsibility of the students to familiarize themselves with the WebAssign system. PC131/PC151 – Assignment Grading