故意侵權 楊智傑. 故意的概念 State of mind about results –Intent is a state of mind about consequences or results Intent to injure (不需要有傷害的故意) –Proof of intent to.


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Presentation transcript:

故意侵權 楊智傑

故意的概念 State of mind about results –Intent is a state of mind about consequences or results Intent to injure (不需要有傷害的故意) –Proof of intent to harm is not a prerequisite to intentional tor liability

故意的概念 Mistake and intent –A mistake by the defendant concerning the facts surrounding an action is normally irrelevant to the question of intent

非法入侵 (trespass) 無須證明損害 The writ of trespass would lie without proof of damage –Assault 即時威脅 –Battery 非法接觸 –False imprisonment 非法監禁 –Trespass to land 非法侵犯土地 –Trespass to chattels 非法侵犯動產

未能年人還是要自己賠錢 If the minor child has money or property, the judgment may be executed against those assets, at least to the extent that they do not fall within the scope of real and personal property exempted from execution by state law

父母在特定條件下須負代位責任 Many states have created limited statutory exceptions to the common-law rule that parents or guardians are not vicariously (代位) liable for torts committed by their minor child

Battery 非法接觸 Battery is the intentional, unconsented, harmful or offensive touching of another. –Intent (purpose or knowledge) to make contact –Offensive (冒犯性) (i.e., unreasonable) or harmful (傷害性) touching of the plaintiff’s person or effects –Absence of consent

賠償種類 象徵性賠償 –Nominal damages 補償性賠償 –Compensatory damages 懲罰行賠償 –Punitive or exemplary damages

Assault 即時威脅 An assault is committed if the defendant intentionally creates in the plaintiff a well- grounded apprehension( 恐懼 憂慮 ) of imminent, unconsented bodily contact.

精神損害之訴 Tort of outrage( 暴行、 惡行 ) intentional or reckless infliction of severe emotional distress Can a person sue for emotional distress suffered as a result of witnessing, or later learning about, outrageous conduct directed toward another?

其他非法入侵( trespass ) False imprisonment 非法監禁 –Detention( 滯留 ) Trespass to land 非法侵犯土地 – 不動產 real property Trespass to chattels 非法侵犯動產 – 動產 personal preoperty

非法占有(移轉 conversion ) Major interference (嚴重侵犯) Thieves (竊盜), defrauders (詐欺), and Bona Fide Purchasers (善意買受人) Bailees (受託人) Damages and Replevin (損害賠償或請求反還) Demand for Return( 提起訴訟前需先要求反還 ) What may be Converted? – 資訊? – 細胞組織