Building Competencies for Steve Zimmerman, Spectrum Nonprofit Services
A shift is necessary 30% reported achieving long term sustainability was a top challenge in Nebraska
“Is the nonprofit sector in permanent financial stress, or is this an entrenched message that we tell ourselves and each other?” Kate Barr, Nonprofit Quarterly A shift is necessary Sustainability has been a top issue for 25 years
What is Sustainability?
Reimagining Sustainability Financial Viability Mission Impact
Financial sustainability (the ability to generate resources to meet the needs of the present without compromising the future) and Programmatic sustainability (the ability to develop, mature, and cycle out programs to be responsive to constituencies over time.) - - Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability Reimagining Sustainability Sustainability encompasses both:
SUSTAINABILITY is a orientation, not a destination. system-wide
“It is not a one-time thing, not an episodic thing, not a senior management thing or a board of directors thing. It’s really a mindset and way of organizational being.” - - The Sustainability Mindset: Using the Matrix Map to Make Strategic Decisions
Embracing Change
Key Questions What do your constituents need?
Key Questions How do you define impact?
Key Questions How does each of your programs contribute to impact? MISSION IMPACT
Key Questions What are the true costs of your programs? Specific Program Costs Shared Costs Administrative Costs
Key Questions Who else is serving in your space?
Key Questions Have you fully invested in your success?
Produce a modest surplus. A reliable source of unrestricted support. Largest sources of income paying for work that you deem essential to your impact. Relying on a funding stream that is aligned with your organizational values. Right Revenue
What do your constituents need? How do you define impact? How does each of your programs contribute to impact? What are the true costs of your programs? Who else is serving in your space? Have you fully invested in your success? Key Questions
Matrix Map Overview What we do (bubbles) Mix of mission- specific (blue) and fund development programs (green) (color of bubbles) Where we are investing our resources (size of bubbles) The net financial results of each activity (horizontal axis) Relative mission impact of each activity (vertical axis)
Financial Viability Mission Impact
Leadership Mission Impact Financial Viability
Relationship Management Candor and Rigor Strategic Agility What’s Next Characteristics of Leadership
Relationship Management Candor and Rigor Strategic Agility What’s Next Characteristics of Leadership
Relationship Management Candor and Rigor Strategic Agility What’s Next Characteristics of Leadership
Relationship Management Candor and Rigor Strategic Agility What’s Next Characteristics of Leadership
Strategy is Ongoing
Leadership Mission Impact Financial Viability
If they’re involved they will create a future that already has them in it. - Margaret J. Wheatley
Steve Zimmerman