“Bread for beginners” Raquel Casas Yaiza Gutiérrez Xavier Planas Laxmi Valls Group: Blue Seminari A
Bread for beginners Cycle/Age group:Cycle/Age group: For superior cycle, years. Timing:Timing: In total you will need four hours as minimum, a part from the 45 min time cooking. Materials nedeed:Materials nedeed: Ingredients to cook bread. Kitchen tools, and different types of flour. A presentation about wheat fields and images of the wheat grouth process.
Bread for beginners Task stagesTask stages 1)Pre-task: - I - Introducing the topic asking some questions to the students. Do you know how many types of bread exists? Does anybody know how to cook bread? - Explanation of the most important ingredient and where it comes from. - Ask the students to bring some of the bread they eat at home for the next session.
Bread for beginners 2)Task preparation: -Thinking and talking about -Thinking and talking about the bread they have and type of wheat. - Explanation of what we are going to do. -Organize the students in groups. 3) Task realitzation: -Giving the material and ingredients to elaborate bread. -While the teacher is doing the dough and explaining it, the students are imitating her. Once it has been done, we will do the shape and direct to he oven for 45 minutes.
Bread for beginners 4) Post-task: 4) Post-task: After the cooking time: Sharing with all the students the bread that they have elaborated and taste it. They will be able to appreciate the different types or wheat and remember the process they have followed. Reflection time about the task. Tell them to bring home some bread they have done.
Bread for beginners Task justification:Task justification: This task is design to be worked in a different area apart from English. We are working aspects of society, science and culture area working English at the same time. Is a multidisciplinary activity and we can use it as a project. This way of learning enhance English communication between the kids.