1 Timothy 1:33:164:11:1-26:20-21 Teachers and Church Leaders Attitude of Church Leaders SalutationSalutation 6:19 ClosingClosing
1 Timothy 1:3-71:81:1-26:20-21 SalutationSalutation 6:19 Warning against False Teachers Literally: “Other Teachings” Warning against False Teachers Literally” “False Knowledge” True Gospel 3:14-16 Note the “sandwich” with the warnings against false teachers
1 Timothy 1:33:164:11:1-26:20-21 Teachers and Church Leaders Attitude of Church Leaders SalutationSalutation 6:19 ClosingClosing Fresh start at 4:1 ●4:1-5 predicts heresy ●4:6-10 Teach truth and oppose heresy ●4:11-16 Personal advice to Timothy 4:1
1 Timothy 1:33:164:11:1-26:20-21 Teachers and Church Leaders Attitude of Church Leaders SalutationSalutation 6:19 ClosingClosing Connection between 4:1-16 and 5:1-6:2? ●move from general to particular: e.g., treatment of old by young (5:1-2); widows (3-16), elders (17-19), sinful members in church (20-25); slaves (6:1-2) 5:1-6:2
1 Timothy 1:33:164:11:1-26:20-21 Teachers and Church Leaders Attitude of Church Leaders SalutationSalutation 6:19 ClosingClosing 6:2? ●Does it look back? If so, how far back does Paul want you to apply it? ●Does it look forward? 6:2
1 Timothy 1:33:164:11:1-26:20-21 Teachers and Church Leaders Attitude of Church Leaders SalutationSalutation 6:19 ClosingClosing 6:3-19 ●6:3-10 False Teachers ●6:11-16 Timothy’s Attitude ●6:17-19 False Teachers 6:3-19