Rockway Rockets Reading Club Rockway School
Demographics Grades 1-8 25 student mentors 38 students tutored Approximately one-third of student population is involved in the program
Student Mentors Recruitment Mentor Contract GPA of C or above 2 or less noon studies per nine weeks Merit rating of 95 or above Parent permission to participate Check eligibility at interim time and at the end of each quarter Sign confidentiality agreement
Student Mentors Training Sessions Role playing Rewards Monthly rewards End of the year celebration
Buddy Matching Student mentor profile Students on IEPs Students receiving Title 1 services Socially at-risk students Student leaders
Rockway’s Results Primary Students Student on IEP had a fall OAA score of 373 and a spring score of 426 Two students’ DRA scores increased from level 4 to level 28 in 11 school months Student declaring, “I’m a reader!” Students are excited about reading
Rockway’s Results Middle School Students Teachers have noticed a difference in reading skills and confidence in class Display a positive attitude and self-worth Serve as role models by their words and behaviors Request to work with same student next year
Things to Think About Coordinator/Mentor/Student Relationship Fine Tuning Encouragement Motivation Our motivation