The main objective of the basic health services is ‘’to educate the community about the common health problems; preventing and controlling them.’’ Educations that are fulfilled to create and change society’s knowledge, belief, attitude and conception about health are described as ‘’Health Education’’.
It’s important to identify the peculiarities of the groups who are going to benefit from ‘’Health Education’’ All medical staff need to have enough information and skills for training in order to fulfill the ‘’Health education’’
- HEALTH EDUCATION METHODS Methods are divided into 2 groups: Individual Training and Group Training In ‘’Individual education’’, medical staff educates the people one by one for their own problems. In ‘’Group Education’’, the group may expand from some people to many, or even from national to worldwide.
A variety of educational tools are used, such as slide shows, radio, TV, Internet, posters, booklets etc., in order to make the process more efficient and to keep the trainee’s attention.
In Health Education, education programming must be handed in two different aspects in terms of choosing the topics. Routine Health Education (personal hygiene, environmental hygiene cautions, nutrition, child welfare, etc…) Specific Health Education (a cholera epidemic, migration, food poisoning…)
- The topics related to Health Education are mainly: Human biology Hygiene Nutrition Environmental Hygiene Protection from Degenerative Illnesses Protection from Accidents First-aid Gestation Mother-child welfare birth control Contagious Diseases Unhealthy habits Pre-marriage Period Psychology Mouth-Dental Health Benefitting from Health Services
- It is also important to determine what parts of the society have the priority to get Health Education. The order is usually : Housewifes Children in School Organizations Village Society City society
- Since much of the responsibility in subjects like taking care of children, nutrition of the family, cleaning of the house are of housewives – in addition to their vulnerablity to diseases in pregnancy and after-pregnancy periods-, Health Education should be served to housewives first.
Children in school, on the other hand, are really teachable and educatable. So, getting them good habits in this period is really easy when compared to elder parts of the society.
To reach everyone by Individual Education needs too many medical staff. Therefore, this method is usually unpracticable. In Group Education, however, the ones who fulfill the educating process are the leader people who have been educated and encouraged by the medical staff. This is very useful because society tends to follow their leaders in whom they believe and respect.
Comparing society’s health level before and after Health education provides us to what extent the education is successful.
Main criteria showing society’s health level are ; Infant death rate Mother death rate Average lifelong Commonness of contagious diseases Rate of degenerative diseases Nutrition Population Growth and its results Abortions and its results
- Health Education is not the only way to improve the health level of the society. Socio-economic and cultural development, facilities, improvement in diagnosis and curement are also important factors.
- Health and Education Services in Our Hospital- ‘’Grand Plane Trees Alive’’ Project and Education Given in this Scope Our hospital and Afyonkarahisar Governorship made this co-operated Project ‘’ Grand Plane Trees Alive, Raising Hopes’’. In this Project, it has been planned to help people who are over age 85 in Afyonkarahisar. For that reason, a course for training nurse has been set in our hospital to help these people.
-91 trainee in this project had a course of 2400 lesson hours. All this education process has been completed in our hospital and by our medical staff in University. After an education of elderly care, elderly psychology, first aid, communication with patients, law etc., 60 successful trainee were given their certificates and they got their new jobs. Some of them have been hired in our hospital.
During the process, investigations have been made in neighbourhoods where people who need care live. After these investigations, emergency health services, financial and personal aids are being made for the elderly and poor people. Of 444 people who need help and living in central neighbourhoods in Afyon, 392 were visited and aided.
MEDICAL SECRETARYSHIP EDUCATION People who want to work in our hospital and medic sector are being given secretaryship education. Courses last 3 months. When an education module is finished, a new one starts. There must be 50 applications at least to open the course.
Trainees get 280 hours of course whose subjects are : Public Relations Computer Tech Appointment and Guest Hosting Communication Techniques etc.
After the education, trainees who have passed all courses get their certificates. Because their certificates are known by the Ministry of Education, trainees have a higher chance to get a job.
DIABETICS EDUCATION In our hospital, patients who suffer from diabetics are regularly given educations about the disease. Subjects such as the improtance of diabetics, how to prevent from it, what to eat are pointed in educations which are free to all diabetics patients.
RADIO AND TV PROGRAMMES a-One of our doctors is giving an education for everyone once a week in a local radio and a local TV channel. b-In this programme, patients get information about their ilnesses and answers for their questions.
- With all educations performed in our hospital, education assessment forms are used. In these forms, knowledge of the education are assessed in terms of before and after education. Therefore, success of the education is provided.
If the rate between ‘’before education’’ and ‘’after education’’ is under %10, the education is reperformed. All of the education is recorded to the hospital system. Our staff who joins to the educations most are rewarded at the end of the year.
- Besides having International Facilites, our hospital prepares educational booklets of pyshical therapy for our patients. New educational programmes are still developing to improve pyshical therapy patients’ life quality.
- Booklets have been prepared in our hospital for Syrian refugees. b-These booklets have been translated into English,Arabic and Russian languages. c-Also, our hospital website has also been translated into English, Arabic and Russian languages to help everyone.
- English courses have been provided for some of our staff to get them better in communication. Our staff who have a basic English knowledge have found possibilities to improve their English by giving directions or asking name-surname to the foreign patients.
- A questionairre will be prepared for our staff and patients in order to create a new education programme in accordance with the wishes of the workers and disadvantaged patients.