The Initiative For School Empowerment and Excellence (i.4.see) “Empowering teachers, administrators, policy makers, and parents to increase student achievement.” – i4see Update – September 20 th & 21 st, 2006 For more information: or
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ Assign SASIDs Collect & Integrate Student Level Data Provide District & School Access 123 First let’s level the Playing Field – where are we in the implementation of i4see… -- How are we implementing i4see? -- Three Primary Components to Phase I
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ Accurate data is critical!. We should consider the importance of the data… 10/15 : Beginning of Year (BOY) 7/15: End of Year Enrollment (attendance) & Academic (Title I) 8/10 : NECAP Labels Submission (additions through 9/27) (3 rd -8 th ) 3/6 : NECAP Spring Assessment Labels 10/15: thru End of School : Real Time Entry and Exits (9 th -12 th ) 10/5 : NECAP Labels (10 th ) 10/10 : extract active IEP status from Special Ed System-SPEDIS (all grades) 11/1 : ESOL Extract (all grades) 11/6 : Free and Reduced: (all grades) 7/15 : Extract Special Ed attendance for OOD students & IEP status for all 11/1 : Migrant Extract (all grades) Aug : Data is used to determine adequacy aid 11/15 : Data is used to determine AYP & calculate enrollment counts May : Data is used to determine AYP 5/1 : extract IEP status from Special Ed System-NHSEIS (all grades) Data Used to Determine AYP
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ Accurate data is critical!. The use of this data will continue to expand… 10/15 : Beginning of Year (BOY) 7/15: End of Year Enrollment (attendance) & Academic (Title I) 8/10 : NECAP Labels Submission (additions through 9/27) (3 rd -8 th ) 3/6 : NECAP Spring Assessment Labels 10/15: thru End of School : Real Time Entry and Exits (9 th -12 th ) 10/5 : NECAP Labels (10 th ) 10/10 : extract active IEP status from Special Ed System-SPEDIS (all grades) 11/1 : ESOL Extract (all grades) 11/6 : Free and Reduced: (all grades) 7/15 : Extract Special Ed attendance for OOD students & IEP status for all students 11/1 : Migrant Extract (all grades) Aug : Data is used to determine adequacy aid 11/15 : Data is used to determine AYP & calculate enrollment counts May : Data is used to determine AYP 5/1 : extract IEP status from Special Ed System-NHSEIS (all grades) Data Used to Determine Equity Aid
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ In addition to using this data at the DOE, we want to get the data back into the hands of districts/schools… -- RFP Update -- Scope: RFP issued Reviewed top vendors (~30 folks from districts, internal, other states) Gained insight from other states Currently gaining additional feedback and continued review Process: 1.Analyze Student Assessment and Related Data 2.Ability to Manage Curriculum 3.Ability to Track Local Assessments 4.Ability to Create Assessments
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ As we continue to implement i4see the primary SAU contact is vital … -- i4see SAU Contact -- Review attached list and Verify Contact Contact will: Manage user access to i4see (including passwords) for SAU Act as primary contact to receive and distribute messages from DOE Act as primary contact for school / district personnel to either answer questions or navigate the person to the correct support.
Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence3/23/ i4see Home Page: take a look at the FAQs Phone support: Mike Cote at Sandy Hyslop at i4see Newsletters, Training Events, Tip Documents -- Supports -- Don’t forget to add the home page to your bookmarks – maybe even as a favorite