Preliminary findings Overall there is a high level of satisfaction However: Poor communications means that patients are not clear on Opening hours The triage process The out of hours arrangements Accessibility to doctor of your choice - continuity of care raised for on- going problems Accessibility for semi-urgent doctor appts (wanting to see a doctor not speak on phone) Lack of knowledge about internet access Concern about Private health care and how it fits with NHS practice 2
Number of Responses Survey fully completed by 397 patients Goring – 243 Woodcote – 154 A further 12 forms were submitted but were incomplete and could not be scored In addition to the tick boxes 200 comments have been recorded and summarised: Positive Feedback64 Service comments36 Appointments29 Receptionist19 Time in Waiting Room19 See own doctor16 Treatment out of hours11 Opening hours5 Hearing issues1 Grand Total200 3
How many responses did we need? Variability = the likelihood of strongly opposing views Response rates of public surveys 1-20% Our response rate (assuming a population of 9,000 = 4.4% 4
Who did respondents see? Grand Total Goring Doctor GP Registrar Health Care Assistant11 Other1214 Phlebotomist Practice Nurse Woodcote Doctor GP Registrar1124 Health Care Assistant11 Other11 Phlebotomist Practice Nurse Grand Total
Breakdown by Gender FemaleMaleGrand Total Goring Doctor GP Registrar8210 Health Care Assistant11 Other224 Phlebotomist Practice Nurse Woodcote Doctor GP Registrar134 Health Care Assistant11 Other11 Phlebotomist5712 Practice Nurse13619 Grand Total
Q1 - How would you rate the availability of the appointment you have attended today or your last appointment ? By % of all responses 7
Q1 - How would you rate the availability of the appointment you have attended today or your last appointment ? By % of age group 8
Q1 - How would you rate the availability of the appointment you have attended today or your last appointment ? Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know 11 Grand Total By number of responses 9
Q2 - How would you rate the time you have waited in our waiting room today or at your last attendance? By % of all responses 10
Q2 - How would you rate the time you have waited in our waiting room today or at your last attendance? By % of age group 11
Q2 - How would you rate the time you have waited in our waiting room today or at your last attendance? Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know 3148 Grand Total By number of responses 12
Q3 - How would you rate the quality of the care you received today or at your last contact? By % of all responses 13
Q3 - How would you rate the quality of the care you received today or at your last contact? By % of age group 14
Q3 - How would you rate the quality of the care you received today or at your last contact? Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor235 Very Poor112 NA or Don't Know44 Grand Total By number of responses 15
Q4 - How would you rate the ability to see the doctor of your choice? By % of all responses 16
Q4 - How would you rate the ability to see the doctor of your choice? By % of age group 17
Q4 - How would you rate the ability to see the doctor of your choice? Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know Grand Total
Q5 - How satisfied are you with the hours that the Practice is open? By % of all responses 19
Q5 - How satisfied are you with the hours that the Practice is open? By % of age group 20
Q5 - How satisfied are you with the hours that the Practice is open? By number of responses Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know Grand Total
Q6 - How satisfied are you with the care that is offered by the Out of Hours Service? By % of all responses 22
Q6 - How satisfied are you with the care that is offered by the Out of Hours Service? By % of age group 23
Q6 - How satisfied are you with the care that is offered by the Out of Hours Service? By number of responses Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know Grand Total
Q7 - What is your understanding of the Practice’s new “triage” system for seeking “same day” medical help or advice? By % of all responses 25
Q7 - What is your understanding of the Practice’s new “triage” system for seeking “same day” medical help or advice? By % of age group 26
Q7 - What is your understanding of the Practice’s new “triage” system for seeking “same day” medical help or advice? By number of responses Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know Grand Total
Q8 - How satisfied are you that the Practice’s new “triage” system meets your healthcare needs? By % of all responses 28
Q8 - How satisfied are you that the Practice’s new “triage” system meets your healthcare needs? By % of age group 29
Q8 - How satisfied are you that the Practice’s new “triage” system meets your healthcare needs? Age Range Q Grand Total Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor NA or Don't Know Grand Total By number of responses 30
Lessons Learned Calculate the response rate required and distribute questionnaires accordingly Avoid major public holidays Consider the most efficient way of distributing the questionnaires Consider a professional audit of the questionnaires before distributing Consider a professional review of the results for a view on statistical significance 31
Next Steps Agree an action plan Monitor implementation Plan an open meeting to present the results and the remedial action to be taken Consider the need for a further survey in 2012 Slide 32