Versioning Price Resettlement In Settlement data extracts, Settlement Type refers to the Settlement iteration for the datum. Channel 1, 2, etc. This allows MPs to verify discrete resettlements, with unique data sets. The exception to this are the Real-Time Settlement Point Prices. In cases of price change (eg. June 2015.), RTSPP and RTSPPEW show as Ch 1, even though Ch 1 already exists in MP systems. At this time, ERCOT cannot accommodate the request because pricing does not go through Data Aggregation where the Settlement Type is associated. Versioning will be incumbent upon MPs to find a way to distinguish and store.
ERCOT reporting Nodal Protocol 8.2 – Settlement Stability (e)Settlement stability: (l)ERCOT shall calculate and post on a quarterly basis all charges allocated to Load for all Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) for each month and year-to-date expressed in total dollars and for the total, dollars per MWh. Concern over phrase “cost to serve Load” and the need for several different Load denominators will be dealt with in footnotes to the quarterly report.
Proposed NPRR – Balancing Account Data Cuts The CRR Balancing Account Extract is to provide Market Participants with a prototype of the CRR Balancing Account invoice. Without the prior month balance, currently shown in Nodal Protocol as CRRBAF (m-1), the calculation cannot be verified from the month’s extract. The inclusion of the prior month data cut would align Nodal Protocols with the COPMG and the Balancing Account Extract User Guide. CSWG will consider an NPRR to add the needed determinant and if approved, bring back to COPS.
Next CSWG Meeting Monday, October 26, 2015 ERCOT Met Center, Rm 168 at 1:30pm (later to accommodate DREAM TF attendance)